Pulse Rifles in the Red Death/Nirwen's Mercy archetype need a serious buff. Why would you want to use them when weapons like Hawksaw and The Waltz are so much better?
Using a high-mid impact pulse, it takes 3 bursts to kill another player. How many does it take with a Hawksaw? 3. The Waltz? 3.
And the effective range? The way you've done the damage falloff, as a percentage, the higher impact pulse rifles are actually losing more damage when they're outside the optimal ranges than the higher-RoF at the same range.
I'm not asking you to make them a 2-burst kill, but the falloff damage needs to be looked at. If a weapon is less forgiving, it should be more rewarding.
IDIOT EDIT: Apparently my wording wasn't clear enough for certain people. I'm not talking about the max impact archetype, that contains Spare Change and Parthian Shot. I'm talking about the next tier down, with Red Death and Hopscotch Pilgrim.
Agreed, at least spare change 2 bursts :/