So I figured a decently fun game for everyone to play, basically it's where someone types out a quote from their favorite cartoon show and everyone else has to try and guess which show its from. Post answers and quotes, you're not restricted to one or the other. If you can remember the quote word for word and the correct spelling, just get it as close as possible.
A few rules to make things fair:
1.) Make sure your quote is unique and not generic phrase, but don't make it too easy either.
2.) Vulgarity is fine so long as it's a quote and not you putting words in the show's metaphorical mouth.
3.) Try to stick to shows that have ran on common cable networks like Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, Toonami etc..
4.) If you are going for an English Dubbed anime, make sure it's one that's ran on TV, no one is going to know the name of that obscure Japanese anime that you and your buddies did a fan dub of that is on a website in the 50-100 page range on Google.
5.) [b]No[/b] quotes from Hentai or other lewd cartoons. If you decide to anyway, I won't be responsible if you get banned.
6.) Once someone guesses right to your quote, try and post that that was the answer so we aren't left spinning our wheels here.
7.) Keep discussions civil, please.
8.) Blame stosh.
Edited by Intoxicated ODST: 11/17/2016 5:32:47 PM1. My name is Decimus maximus Meriduis [spoiler]MY NAME IS Decimus Maximus Meriduis Decimus Maximus Meriduis Decimus Maximus Meriduis Decimus Maximus Meriduis Decimus Maximus Meriduis Decimus Maximus Meriduis[/spoiler] 2. They ravaged her again, again and again. [spoiler]RAVEGED HER again, again and again, again, again and again, again, again and again,[/spoiler] [quote]Cartoons edition[/quote] Oh well I couldn't help it...