I'm so tired of running PvE strikes where one little (insert curse word) doesn't move a muscle until the last part of the end-strike boss. Please, for the love of Destiny, shorten the dang AFK timer by 5, 8 or 10 minutes. Make it much shorter!
There is no reason that the active fireteam members should be dragging the lazy (insert curse word) through strikes. Enough already!
A possible fix could be: After 1-2mins of inactivity, the two other players get to choose to boot the afk'er, but BOTH players have to agree. Maybe even give the afk player a (5 second) chance to reject the decision. If it happens a second time throughout the activity, you'd only need one player to boot the idler with no second chance and anyone who got booted should have a higher chance of being matched with other idlers. OR, at the very least, give the idlers a (timed but) non-changable emblem and shader to show the others in the activity that that player is an assho.....i mean, idler. Maybe just deny the idlers rewards at the end of strikes.