Maybe you're a first timer, or maybe just somewhat confused on a few of the mechanics. This post is not for people looking to be carried- it's for those who truly want to learn the Wrath of the Machine Raid. I'm asking for additional people to help guide the newer players in the community. Please feel free to add me, and message "raid help." I'd be happy to help you and your friends learn in detail how it all works.
I am on ps4 as: its_johnny_bravo
everyone that reads this post about the raids add sean403 on psn. I would rather run any raid than grind out patrols all day and I want to complete raids for my grimore. I'm not the best, I don't know it all but I enjoy raiding. VOG I'm still not a pro, crota I enjoy the most, have done the first part solo, ttk I've run a lot with my hunter but want to run my other toons through it, wotm I've run twice. If you see me on just send me an invite and I'll run a raid with anyone that has a team unless I'm already in a raid.