"Pretty far from here, the humans developed independant of the earth humans, and some even evolved into more monsterlike races like me"
"I thought you said you were turned into... you."
"We were.....there are others like us...."
"Oh... All goats?"
"only a few, they were mostly different"
She nods. "I don't think i'd ever want to go back to where i came from. Knowing the nature of the place, the bodies would probably still be there, frozen over.."
"They'd kill me" He shrugged
"Huh... So... where'd you get the ship?"
"Found it, I guess you could say, then it ended up as my lawn ornament"
"Can it still fly?"
"Yeah, just a few minor issues here and there... I have a question"
"Ask away."
"Where's Nyxon? I need to have a talk with him"
Her face was blank. Then she smiled, slowly. Then she seemed to chuckle. Then actually laugh. Eventually she calmed down enough to talk. "Oh dear -chuckle- Is this about what i think it's about?"
"If you're referring to the fact that I never got to set a few things straight with her Fiancee, then you'd be correct" He was dead serious
She stopped laughing. "Yeah, that. I actually haven't seen Nyxon in a few days... Might be reason for concern. Then again, he might just be lost in Dojoville. But still, finding him might be a good idea..." She crosses her arms, trying to remember the last time she saw Nyxon. [spoiler]Hint hint. Nyxon's legit missing.[/spoiler]
He sighed "Did he tell you anything? I can't tell Cassie otherwise she'd freak, and unless you're ignorant you know what she's gone through......."
She shudders. "Ive lived that nightmare... dont ask. Anywho, no. Nyxon never said he was leaving anywhere, he doesnt have anywhere to go really."
"...first off, I'm going to be frank. She was Sexually assaulted Secondly, where was he last"
"1. I know. Don't ever get me started on what a pack of wolves does when they smell someone like me. and 2. Last i knew he was at his job. Some pizza place with a name i can't pronounce." She was fiddling with a throwing knife, seemingly unaware that she was doing so. Where'd she even get the knife?
"Put the knife away. And point me towards there, and I'll sniff it out" he put the box down, and chambered a round in a flechette pistol
She looked confused. "What kni- Oh. That knife." She quickly sheathes it somewhere in her sleeve. "Uhm, what's the gun for?" [spoiler]btw, he's actually just at work. triple-double graveyard shift[/spoiler]
"If he's in trouble, I'll just shoot his way out, if not....I'll just convince whoever's making him work this long to give him a break.....Cassie needs the comfort"
She nods as her phone buzzes. She takes it out and looks at the screen. "Oh hey, look who's off work! And by 'look' i mean 'im going to tell you'. Nyxon just got off work for the rest of the week. Says his boss paid him extra extra to fill in for an injured co-worker."
"tell him to stop by here first, I still need to talk to him"