I use Nothing Manacles in PvE all the time, tracking works without problems. But in PvP often it doesn't seem to work for me.
I throw a Scatter next to a player and the projectiles don't seem to track him. When I throw a Scatter next to an enemy in PvE, same distance to the enemy, the projectiles go crazy and fly towards it.
Edit: I'm not talking about bouncing Scatters, that's not an issue I have.
Nope, it's not just you. I traded in my nothing manacles for ophidians. The fúcken grenades bounce once or twice before detonating, and by the time they do detonate the tracking is half assed. I've slammed a scatter nade into a fools chest and it not come close to killing him with so called "tracking." Meanwhilst getting one-timed by cross map skip grenades