Fortunately I haven't had this kind of issue when playing strikes. Sure, every once in awhile there will be the AFK moron or what not but, usually, I get teamed up with playing actually wanting to play strikes.
The only time I can think of where a situation like this came up was when I was playing the SABER strike. I activated the warsat and the other two players left. I soloed the warsat part and then two others joined in. I got a message asking ME to leave since they had a third player wanting in. My response was short and sweet and I told them to -blam!- off. Naturally, they left.
Only other times I run into this issue are, surprisingly, bounties. Whether it be daily or armsday bounties where you have to kill 10 Vex majors or something, there's always some crybaby camping a spot waiting for the enemy to respawn. Normally, I'll share the kills but most times I wind up getting messages like, "I was here first" or "you're screwing up my bounty" or some crap like that. Seriously......whhhhyyyyyy?!?!?!?!
I just troll back
Especially since it doesn't matter who kills them, you just need to be in the area.
The majors bounties sure but I think with the armsday weapons, you need to be the one to kill them I think or it doesn't count. They also don't count major versions of the targets for some reason, it's stupid.