So, loaded up the strike list... felt like solo grinding a rank in Vanguard. After an hour I come across the restorative mind for the fourth time.
And I'm in it alone, so I get half way through the strike and these two guys join up. Lets call them Arrow and Starlord for this... not there real Player ID but it works for now, who suddenly seem very upset that I had the relic.. and refuse to rez me at all.
We get to the boss room and suddenly we aren't doing anything.
And then a spam of party invites and Game invites start flooding in my inbox from these guys. And suddenly I get a nice little conversation going from Starlord.
Starlord: Can u plz leave?
Me: Pardon?
Starlord: Or join the party lol
Me: Why? I'm solo running right now.
Starlord: we want to farm keys
Me: I'm not leaving. And I'm not joining the party. I'm solo running strikes till I rank up.
Starlord: Sorry well your not starting well pull all nighter
Me: Grab a snack then kid.
Starlord: Already have. Just sit down, we have a glitch to kill him easily.
Me: Why glitch something so easy?
Starlord: Cause keys you tard.
1 hour later
Me: I've got all night boys.
Starlord: Im to leval so i can go flaw less
Starlord: I already have a team
Me: Then why aren't you three manning the strikes
Starlord: Cuz they are doing trials
Me: Sucks. I'm still not leaving.
Starlord: Sriosly -blam!-er, get out so we can farm keys
Me: Nope.
Me: Tell you what, I'll leave, if we finish the strike.
And then we proceed to start the strike after that- and they both kill themselves to rockets. So I end up soloing the whole fight as they refuse to get back up. And when I get back to orbit I get new teammates.
Seriously... don't be these two idiots.
Fortunately I haven't had this kind of issue when playing strikes. Sure, every once in awhile there will be the AFK moron or what not but, usually, I get teamed up with playing actually wanting to play strikes. The only time I can think of where a situation like this came up was when I was playing the SABER strike. I activated the warsat and the other two players left. I soloed the warsat part and then two others joined in. I got a message asking ME to leave since they had a third player wanting in. My response was short and sweet and I told them to -blam!- off. Naturally, they left. Only other times I run into this issue are, surprisingly, bounties. Whether it be daily or armsday bounties where you have to kill 10 Vex majors or something, there's always some crybaby camping a spot waiting for the enemy to respawn. Normally, I'll share the kills but most times I wind up getting messages like, "I was here first" or "you're screwing up my bounty" or some crap like that. Seriously......whhhhyyyyyy?!?!?!?!