originally posted in:The New Dojo
[u][i][b]Dojo Wall, 1053 hours[/b][/i][/u]
*Mortar, blade in hand, walks up to the Bounty wall, looking for any familiar heads he could collect a bounty on, when he sees something interesting.*
Wait... Is that... No...
*He takes one sheet of paper off the wall. On the paper is a detailed sketch of a man in his forties. A sly grin lay on his face and some blonde hair covers his left eye... which is black. In fact, both his eyes are black, just two empty voids, the pupils a dark crimson. This certainly sent up some red flags to Mortar, who was briskly pacing to his house, Mion quickly following him.*
Mion: You okay? You look stressed.
Mortar: Not really Mion. Look who this is. Who does it look like?
*He shows the picture to Mion, a surprised look on his face*
Mion: Mortar, this almost looks like you, but you don't have blonde hair.
Mortar: I know I don't!
*After a moment Mortar gets to his house. After a few seconds to unlock and open his door, he heads straight for his "Library" for anything that can help him*
Mortar: Alright, you are wanted for murder, treason, and robbery. Where did you come from...
Cannon follows him.
*As they walk, Mortar decides to start up some small talk* So... How did you like your fight with me?
"It was a challenge. I enjoyed it. You?"
Not gonna lie, it was difficult. Least it was better than my last tournament.
"What happened in your last tournament?"
Well, the first fight was short lived, and I pretty much won by default. In my second fight, I was fighting with Zane, and the two of us broke every rule the Deity put in
Cannon laughs. "He must have been ticked."
Yeah, the Deity threw down so many red cards! *He chuckles slightly* In the end I lost against him, but he's a skilled vet, and it was a good fight.
"Sounds like you had a good time. I haven't been here that long, that last tournament was my first."
Yeah... I got that
Cannon shrugs. "So, what exactly is the plan for catching this guy? Dead or alive?"
Dead. I'm trying to catch him with little help outside. He's MY responsibility
"Alright. Similar powers to you I'm guessing?"
Budump bump bump
"Heh, so you found the thing a ma Bob i Take it?" [b]You hear Royal's voice, from above you [/b]
Wait, what? *He looks above him trying to find him*
"Sah dude?" [b]He seems to be hanging upside down from the ceiling [/b]
Hey Royal. How've you been? Last time I saw you you were a hollowed jackass
"I'm still a jackass at least."
Seems it... What are you doing here anyway?
"Looking at the new wanted poster of you." [b]He drops down to the ground. [/b]
What? No, this isn't me. I think I know who it is, but I'm not quite sure...
"Looks a hell alot like you."
Yeah it does, but it looks more like one of Garuud's disciples. *He sits in a chair, a book in one hand and the poster in another, trying to find a similarity*
"So who do you think it is?"