Hey I'll be around later to take your tv, that's cool right? You seem to be ok with letting people walk all over others and be entitled to shit you've worked for
LOL. It's a strike you over dramatic moron. I'd love to see you try, you'd be dead before you even made it past the front door.
Edited by ELIBRIUS: 11/22/2016 10:05:22 AMCalls me over dramatic. Threatens to kill me If i go near him. Riiiiiiiighttt...
"Hey I'll be around later to take your tv" Yeah, you threaten to even attempt to come into my house and take my shit, i will kill you. That's not over dramatic, that's personal defense of someone who said they would trespass into my house and steal something. And that wasn't me being serious at all, because i know you'll never get farther than leaving your moms basement.