originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Mmmmmmm. Well I suppose-"
"What is going on here?"
As Zane turned his head, he saw the red plated samurai. Standing there observing Zanes arm locked around Tina's neck.
"Just working out a deal Testuto. Isn't that right?"
"No, actually it is not. See, Tesuto, Zane here is refusing to pay. After we offered him a way out by advertising our shop upon his amour during the tournament so that he could get the repair for free on his armour, he seemed to have quite a drastic reaction..." Tesuto took a few steps closer to Zane. "Is that so...?"
[b]He takes out a device, it appears to be a recorder.[/b] "Let's see here...." [b]He plays back the whole conversation, including what Tina said.[/b]
Zane didn't realize till it was too late that only he could listen to Tina, through his training in his military. So, the recorder couldn't pick it up. It only picked up a conversation of Zane threatening the group. Tesuto rested his hands on the pommels of his blades. "...I would suggest taking that paint job now Zane....."
"And ruin my paint job, hell no. Testuto you have to trust me on this, Tina is a swindler."
"She made Irina a necklace that would allow her to speak for free..." Tina raised her hand to speak. "Also! It's a paint from the ollimund! It washes off in a day! We just want you to wear it for your big fight okay Guy?! ...please let me go now...."
[b]Suddenly a massive ship warps above the dojo, creating a massive wind storm.[/b] "Ah, that would be my old friends...." [b]Many smaller ships fly out and land near the group, and a hatch opens. A giant armored reptile walks out holding a shotgun, it's eyes locking on the group.[/b] "[b]Well well, what do we have here?[/b]"
Tyrone looks around, Teek adjusts his spectacles, and Tina stays on Zanes grip. Tesuto turns slowly around, checking out the Krogans. "Well...hello."
[b]The Krogan walks over to the group, his claymore-3000 shotgun swaying[/b] "[b]Zane, old friend! Got your signal so I issued the fleet to move.[/b]" "Good to see you again Wrex, how's Tuchunca?" "[b]Lots of little tykes running around, thanks to your help, what seems to be the problem?[/b]" "Well this girl Tina here tried to swindle me out of a lot of money." "[b]That right?[/b]"
Commander Shepard flew from Tesutos ASS, killing him after he reaped him. He pulled out his gun, looking at Wrex. It was a long time before the two had spoken, especially after a god awful ending. He said three words that Wrex never forget.... "We'll bang OK?"
[b]The krogan nods, missing the time he and his play mate spent.[/b] "[b]After I deal with this shepherd, keep it in your pants.[/b]"
"I think your BUTT is a bit more important." *he puts on a pair of sunglasses, titled 'Liaras ass'*
"[b]Not now shepherd! No how much did my friend have to pay?[/b]" [b]He motions to the fleet behind him[/b]
"Nothing! Not anymore anyways he's really doesn't need to be all upset about this and I just wanted an endorsement for free possibly maybe from the guy who saved everyone and it wouldn't be a hassle and would Help everyone out and-" Commander Shepard turned to Tina. "Did you say free endorsement?" "Uhhh...yes?" "I can give you a free endorsement. ;)" "Ummmmm...how would you do-" "I'm commander Shepard. And this is my favourite store on the citadel."
"Look, paint your shops logo on the chest section, and you'll have a favor from me. We got a deal?"
"Hey that sounds like a great-" "Wrex? Am I your... Dirty little secret?" Commander Shepard suddenly dominated the scene like he dominated Liara in mass effect one.
"Oh my...Il stop by later to discuss our deal?" [b]Wrex picks up Shepard bridal style and carries him back to the ship, and the fleet takes off.[/b]
Tesutos dead body explodes into data and is transferred back to the gate. Tina looks at Zane. "So what about just a tiny ad? I mean the armour was gunna cost you money anyways...."
"Yeah, just don't mess up the paint job. The chest area should be fine." [b]A thought clicks in his head.[/b] "How about if you guys become my sponsor? Should bring in lots of interest and make your name grow."
"Ya, that sounds good!" Teek is still wondering what the hell just happened, and he just walks out of the shop.
[spoiler]yup.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Man. That was a throwback to the old days lmao [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Lmao, yup. 'Twas fun though.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]so weird...[/spoiler]