Why should he leave he has done the strike 50 percent by himself. They joined his strike you want to to farm keys get three people together and go ham. He didnt do anything wrong.
Annnd why is their time any more valuable then his? No he didn't do anything wrong, but he didn't do anything right either. He gained nothing from what happened. He lost time jerking around with two idiots over nothing. Now how does that sound smart to anyone but you?
The point is that his time is More Valuable to him then them so if he is in there by himself and he wants to waste his time fighting of cancerous players while trolling them he can. That because he has assessed his time worth it. and Honestly he had already invested more time into the strike then them. They could have left just as easily as him. He shouldnt have to be the one to leave. And if they seriously responded in the way they did then they werent really "farming keys" they had already lost key time in argument
Kind of like how I'm wasting time now. Later.