originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]Lucky Luke (yes, that is his actual nickname) softly chuckled at the 'half-metal man', though it definitely wasn't untrue, with his metal legs, arms, ribs. Hell, even his lungs and heart were replaced by cybernetics. He definitely was more metal than.. flesh. [/i]
"I will,"
[i]He said, smiling still as he somewhat shyly extended his left hand at Keri. Seemed the cyborg wanted to.. hold hands. [/i]
"Do they have clam chowder? Been a while since I last had it, want to have it again."
"Clam chowder? No idea what that is, but.." [i]His hazel brown eyes quickly started darting over the menu before him, over the soup section, to be exact. [/i] "Yeah. I'll just be taking a cappuccino and a.. hmm. I've no idea what food I want."
"Hm... Well I don't know what they have, so I can't help you out."
"I think I'll go with macaroni and cheese, because that's always tasty, isn't it? Very simple, but tasty. And I sorta don't know what else to pick."
"And it's not like I can help you decide... I don't know what they have. Wait, is someone coming to take our order or do we walk up to the counter?"
"There's a waiter coming over right now," [i]Luke responded, left hand gesturing to said waiter, who was fast approaching the their table. Once he was at the table, he first turned to Keri, and asked that one trademark question,[/i] "What will it be, Miss?"
"Clam chowder, please."
[i]With a nod, the waiter scribbled something down on a notepad, before he turned to Luke with nothing but an expectant look. [/i] "Going simple, macaroni and cheese, please, with a cappuccino." [i]With another nod, the waiter scribbled the order down, before asking to the both of them:[/i] "Will that be all?" "I'd think so," [i]Luke responded as he looked over at Keri. Seemed he was done, but wanted to make sure if Keri wanted anything else. [/i]
"Yes, that will be all." [b]Keri smiled big, she was genuinely very happy.[/b]
[i]And, with yet another nod, the waiter drew a line beneath their order, before heading off to the counter, where he handed the note to the bartender, who then disappeared off to the kitchen. Or however it works. [/i]
"So, Lucas, what do you like to do for fun? Besides wooing women like me, that is."
[i]The comment about wooing women made Luke just somewhat awkward, a soft chuckle leaving his lips to cover up the awkwardness, before he answered, [/i] "I like reading comics, playing games, tinkering with technology, fixing things, building things. I'm an engineer and a half." [i]He smiled as he paused for a moment, giving Keri the time to process his answer and all that before he continued, [/i] "What about you?"
"Well... I like comics too. And shooting guns, that's pretty fun... Oh! Practicing with my rapier! And going around in the Cedyetica sim. Meeting people. That's fun."
"What kind of comics do you like? I love the Deadpool ones." [i]Luke went silent for a few moments, before he failed trying to resist asking a million questions. He still spoke rather rapidly, though he managed to remain coherent. [/i] You have a rapier? That's pretty cool, always wanted to try sword fighting. Do the people in your sim each have their own personality? Or do you program them? Either way, that's very cool."
"I had my AI friend sit down and program around a billion personalities in. It took him like two minutes. It's randomized who shows up. If I befriend them, they show up more often. And my favorite comics are some of the indie stuff, Tomboy's a really good one."
"That has to be a very smart AI, correct? Was he made using an entire brain? If not, that's even more impressive. And, good comics? Cyber Commandos: Nightwings is a very good one. It's about two heroes in post-apocalyptic China that must travel the country, protecting peace and order."
"Really? Sounds cool. I've heard of it, haven't read a lot of it. Only one or two of the like three hundred issues. I'll have to get on that. How many have you read?"
"Call me a nerd, but I've read the entire series. Have them all at home, too - in my own room, of course. Jason would make a mess of them otherwise."
"Who's Jason? Wait, let me guess. He's your brother or something? The way you said it kinda gave it away."
"Ring-a-ding-ding. He's my older brother. Older by four years. He ended up with me on the Bloodwrath, reunited here after about nine years apart."
"Really? Must be nice, having him back after nine years. Say, what's having a sibling like? I never met my brother, on account of my parents being jerks."
"That all depends on the kind of relationship you have with your siblings. Jason and I always were pretty close, so it was like having a friend who lives in the same place as you. Or, in my case, a best friend. Siblings look out for one another, protect one another."
"I mean... I have had a friend that felt like the brother I never had. He was one of the first people I talked to that didn't try to kill me on sight. I even joined his PMC. It's JT, as I've said before. He's a great guy."
"Met someone like that, too. Though he was more like a second brother. Ling Defaln. Mentioned him before. Great guy, very heretical, though - even more so since he's an Inquisitor. I mean, he married an Eldar and had a few kids, last I heard. I'll have to meet JT, too, though."
"Heh. I'll have to meet Ling sometime too, then. And Jason." [b]She goes silent for a second, tapping the table.[/b] "So... You dated anyone else before? Doesn't seem like it's your first time taking someone out on a date."