originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Thank you...But like, with this surgery you'd be giving me something back I lost since I was 15, I don't know how I'd give something as equal and precious back."
"You don't have to give anything back, Leone. It's my job as a doctor and your girlfriend to help you."
"I guess, but it just wouldn't sit right with me. Not giving back, that is."
"Leone, do what makes you feel good, okay? And if you can't, I'll help you the best I can, alright?"
"Thanks..." He said, taking off the apron and opening the fridge to grab him a nice can of Soda. Opening the tab with a somewhat loud crack he took a drink out of it. "So Beta asked me something interesting, about us two...getting married."
"Yeah...? What about it? Did she ask if we were gonna get married?"
"Yes. I told her we'll see in the future. But honestly I can't imagine myself being with anyone else besides you Ry." He said, taking another sip. "So....we could, but it'd probably be too soon."
"Leone... I couldn't imagine my self with anyone but you, either... I just... I love you so much Leone. And I don't really know the appropriate time dean for which someone should get married. It's really hard. It goes from person to person."
"Yeah...but look at it this way. We know each other a lot, we've been together for a good while now. It could happen sometime soon. Though, let's say we were to get married, I don't necessarily have a last name so that can put us in a slight problem."
"You could have mine, I'd guess. Tra'Latriana. Huh. Leone Tra'Latriana. I like it. What do you think?"
"It sounds good. Better than just 'Leone'." He said, drinking more of his Soda.
"Wait, so you seriously don't have a last name? At all? Did your parent's have one?"
"Yes...but out of protection, I don't use it. In fact I haven't used it at all in years. So I've just gone as Leone." He said, now just focusing on his soda.
"Ah. I see. The only family I have left is Ly, but I'm pretty sure he's dead at this point, so... I mean, I am wanted, but I have no one to protect, so I might as well is it, right?"
"Look...Ry. You have Me and Beta, have some hope about this...okay? Not to mention, there is a chance Ly is alive." Leone said, placing the can down and taking a seat next to her. "You have me to talk to if you just need to, alright?"
"Don't w-" [b]Then what she had said just sunk in. Her family... They were all dead. She started to tear up.[/b]
Leone went in for a hug, his head being even with hers. He didn't really say anything, just patting her on the back. "It's...." He was going to say 'okay' but he realized...this wasn't okay. He was comforting a tearing up alien, of which he was in a loving relationship with...all because he mentioned he didn't have a last name. At least that's what he thought personally.
[b]Ry began to sob. Just remembering her family... How horribly they'd all died... The red skins blasting them to shreds... It was something she'd never get over. She buried her face in Leone's shoulder, crying very hard.[/b]
Leone, using his Stand lifted her up so Leone could carry her to her room. "It's fine...it's fine, I'm just bringing you to your room. Seeing how you might find it more comfortable." He said, now walking to her room with her on his shoulder...or something.
[b]She just continues crying... It was so pathetic. She just... She seemed so frail. [/b]
Leone frowned, this was pretty sad for them both. But, he was a nice guy, no not that nice guy. In truth he was pretty sad as well, sad that Ry was sobbing. He had carried her all the way to her room and opened the door, then he placed her down on the bed.
[b]She just cried harder and harder as time went on... Usually Ly would comfort her... But he wasn't there... She just... She needed someone to help her...[/b]
"Ry. Listen to me, tell me what's wrong. As I am your boyfriend it hurts me to see you sad like this, please, tell me what's wrong." Leone said, looking into her tear filled eyes. He was honest when he said that, as it did hurt him emotionally. He knew he couldn't fix this with his Stand, instead he'd have to rely on talking and soothing her.
[b]She tried to speak, but just cried. She just cried harder and harder, it was clear that just talking to her wouldn't work.[/b]
Leone sighed, seems like talking wouldn't work. So he went in for another hug, holding her closely and somewhat tightly. He just sat there, hugging while listening to her sobs.
[b]She pulled Leone down onto the bed, right beside her. She hugged him tightly, crying.[/b]