So whilst Infinite Warfare's UK sales plummeted to 52% of BOIII's in both games' first week, Ubisoft is seeing an even sharper decline: WD2 sold 80% less in its first week than its 2014 prequel, and wasn't even able to knock IW off the number 1 spot.
The sharp irony here is that Watch Dogs isn't even an annual franchise. But presumably the graphical downgrade the first game suffered, and the lacklustre critical reception to what was at the time the fastest-selling new IP ever (thereafter bested by Destiny, and then The Division), dented the sequel's hopes. Not to mention the obnoxious style of WD2. I used to quite enjoy the once-a-year memefest that is Aisha Tyler presenting '#UbiE3', but to cram it all into an open-world title lasting at least a dozen hours... that would test even my patience.
tfw Ubisoft will never make a title as good as Rayman 2 again
Ubisoft is the new EA
I'd buy Watch Dogs 2 but I already bought like 6-7 others. So it will have to wait.
Dude, we just blew $120 on Titanfall and BF1 and some people Skyrim. Give it time. Also, it's right around Christmas. I'm not saying there hope for IW, but people are being cautious around WD2 because WD1 disappointed a little. WD2 is supposed to be great though.
*Patiently waits for Titanfall to usurp weak, tired CoD*
Edited by DemonsRun91: 11/25/2016 8:40:15 AM
Watch Dogs 2 was bound to fail. They screwed people with the first one but came back and said "Hey trust us again, this one will be better I promise". I have no doubt it is better but no one cares. It's likely that they had contracted the sequel and it was in motion before the first one released, so they had to run with it and make an attempt to save their ass. But at this point that franchise has to be pretty much dead.
I'm kinda interested in Steep
Honestly the combination of my distaste for the first game coupled with the downright annoying advertising put me off buying it.
Ubi just kept fu[b][/b]cking people over. I guess everyone's learned know [spoiler]inb4 lackluster shitty Ghost recon Wild lands[/spoiler]
Edited by Garzon: 11/24/2016 2:51:49 PMYes! Bleed the corporations of their money! [i]Bleeeeed[/i]!!
Activision had nothing to worry about. They have Destiny and Blizzard bringing in practically infinite moneys.
There are a lot of games crammed in November, not everybody can afford every game and this year it is even worse than normal. Ubi should have delayed towards Q1 2017, I think that would have helped sales. I think that is more of a reason than anything else, also WD1 was released at a relative quiet time. WD2 looks like a solid game, but competition is stiff.
Watch_Dogs wasn't that bad. It was really the hype that ruined it for most of the players. If Ubisoft hadn't hyped the living shit out of it I believe it would've been received way better.
I was surprised to hear a sequal even was in the works. Didn't know they could afford to after the giant dumpster fire the first was. Not surprised the sequal isn't doing good.
Well Can't wait to buy watch dogs 2 on Christmas sale for 20 bucks lol
Ubisoft is sponsoring VanossGaming to make WD2 gameplay videos. Obviously trying to get their game to sell, considering Vanoss has 19 million subs.
I don't know if it's just me or not but watch dogs 2 doesn't really look that interesting
I did not like the first Watch Dogs game and I have no interest in playing the second. There are other reasons why I ( and potentially other gamers ) would be wary of this game. Watch Dogs is essentially a modern take on the Assassins Creed franchise so even though WD2 is only the second game in the franchise, it feels too similar to all the AC games that came before it and that over-familiarity leads to contempt. Stagnant, that's the word I'm looking for. You can only pull a rabbit out of a hat so many times before people stop giving a -blam!- about the rabbit or how the trick was done. Ubisoft's 3rd person open world games have followed the same formula since AC1 and the whole entire thing desperately needs re-inventing from the very top to down to the very bottom.
Watchdogs 1 was meh but i didn't trust them after the last gen multiplayer fiasco and huge graphics drop
That stinks, I liked the first Watch Dogs and was planning on picking up the sequel soon
Not shocking. Digital sales are probably going up. Also, when was the last time Ubisoft actually tried?
Hopefully companies will realise we're all bummed out of sequels. I want an original ip!
It's funny because Watch Dogs 2 is actually much better than the original. It's getting better reviews across the board than the original and even user scores on Metacritic are fairly high, which is just weird for a game from Ubisoft. Either way, low sales now means a great deal for anyone semi-interested in the game, they'll be able to get it cheap much sooner.
I'm not surprised WD1 wasn't great and people are getting tired of Ubisoft's glitch and bug laced games. The MP on WD2 has been shut down because it's so -blam!-ed up. Idk how they get this shit through cert.
Guess wildland will get the same reception, People must be burned out by wd1, the division.... Or they're getting tired of open world (that's the 2 reasons i Didn't look into that game )