"Absolutely." Banshii walks in through the gate without giving Snow another look. His eyes were set straight ahead.
She steps aside, moving to close the gate once he was through. "Well, enjoy your stay, and try not to kill anyone."
"Killing is what I was made for. But, I will try."
"Sorry about bringing it up, im supposed to advise anyone who enters the gates not to start trouble."
"It's fine." He slows to a stop not too far from Snow. "Who are you?" He says, turning around.
She finished closing the gate. "My name's Snow. What's yours?"
"Accessing files...My name is Banshii. B-A-N-S-H-I-I."
"Nice to meet you Banshii. Quick question... are you an Exo?"
"Term unknown. From what I can gather, I am not an Exo."
She nods. "Well alrighty. Can i ask why you're here?"
"I do not know why I am here. For now, I can only tell you that I am here to fix myself."
She nods again. "That's a pretty good reason."
"I suppose so." His eyes flicker for a moment and shut off, his head tilts down, like he's suddenly shut off.
Snow shifts uncomfortably. "B-Banshii?"
An anonymous voice is heard from his body. "[i]System change. Switching to Mind No. 1[/i]" His eyes turn a warm yellow, and he lifts his head again, but this time, he looked weak. When he walked towards Snow his movements looked tired. "Please...help..."
"Help how? What can i do?"
Banshii collapses in front of her, now revealing the bullet hole in the back of his head.
"Oh gosh, i suck at repairing machines... uhm... " She began to panic.
"Agggh!" Banshii pulls himself to his feet, obviously in pain. "Well g-get me someone who can."
"I...i dont know anyone... uhm... i can carry you to the medical wing, im. not sure if they do machines though.."
"I d-don't care. J-Just get me there..." His eyes flicker but they don't shut off...not yet.