"Nice ta meet ya, Tirus. 'Perial Giants, eh? Can't say I eva heard o' y'all. Den again, there're lotta Chaptahs. 'Nd, I sound like a Greenskin? I jus' got an accent, pal. I ain' an Ork, I assure ya. Jus' an ol' man with a hatred for 'em dammed bugs. 'Nids."
[i]He swiftly tossed his Bolter over to his right hand, swiftly catching it with quite some ease. He kept it lowered, still. [/i]
"Ah yes, the Great Devourer. I ran into a swarm not too long ago, however they didn't put up much of a fight.. strange for such menacing beasts."
"Hmm, ye. Neva ran inta a swarm meself, though I've heard sum thin's. Anehway, what're ya doin' out 'ere? Ain' there sum safe place? Or are ya jus' patrollin'? Cuz tha's wha' I'm doin' right now."
"Ah, yes there is a "safe" place, I guess. My companions are looking around for any adepts in the technological field, while I've come looking to destroy heretics and daemons."