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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Ver: 11/25/2016 7:44:42 PM

[spoiler][url=]Here's a link to Luana's bio if anyone wants it.[/url][/spoiler] Luana trekked up the steep mountain trails that dotted Ku Rudo, legs aching from the long pilgrimage she had endured. It was months since she first arrived on the planet, and the pure air pressure of the atmosphere destroyed her ship's generator. She had to trek to the Dojo on foot since, scaling mountaintops and stepping lightly down cliff sides to avoid avalanches. But it was finally here... The Dojo. It's stone walls were harrowed and scratched, worn by great armies and conflicts... yet they stood, only ten feet tall. She had read up on the legends of the haven within the mountains, and it said that every Mage who came through would put a small enchantment on the walls to make a collective powerful defense. She smiled as she continued on to the Dojo's large wooden doors, banded with metal and iron. [spoiler]Open to testing and interaction! :)[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Finally gonna be interesting.[/spoiler] *The ground shakes as a loud blast echoes throughout the valley, the sound coming from above. A solitary figure falls from orbit, encased in a suit of armor. Another loud crash is slightly muffled by the snow as they land a few hundred meters away from the Dojo gates. Standing up, the armor melts away into shadows as the revealed woman begins jogging towards the gates. As she passes Luana she waves cheerfully before stopping a few feet away* "Hullo there, lovely day outside."

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    [i]The doors that lead into the Dojo then began to suddenly creak loudly as the incoming woman made her way to them, before each massive door slowly began to open up, the inside of the place of combat being revealed. Yet, alongside another figure - one that had sensed Luana's very presence. [/i] [i]To start off, the girl was similar to Luana - standing at a height of five foot six, with a scrawny, thin appearance, she seemed no older than eighteen, her facial features hidden away by a white hood cast upon her head. Bleach white and ruby red robes engulfed her thin body tightly, draping down to her kneecaps as black combat boots served as footwear for the girl, tight wool gloves hiding away her thin hands. [/i] [i]Resting upon her blade was a claymore-styled sword, with a golden handkerchief wrapped with black leather and a gleaming blade of steel, while a small short sword hung at her waist. She appeared to have no firearms in general, and indeed she did not; the girl in general just wasn't a gun person, due to her "condition".[/i] [i]As Luana approached evermore, the girl clad in white robes began to make her way towards the newcomer as well, her thin, scrawny hands being stuffed into her robe's deep pockets as she took every footstep surprisingly carefully, beginning to get closer and closer to the woman who had just arrived at the Dojo. She, personally, didn't know who this woman was or what she wanted, but the pure aura of drew the girl like a moth would be drawn to a flame lit in the darkness of a night, and that was just the girl's nature...[/i] [i]Either way, the girl was slowly getting closer and closer, and Luana would have to decide on what to do; to attempt peace and socialize with the girl, or to combat her, and attempt to defeat her in combat?[/i]

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    Luana approached the girl in the bleached hood of white with relative haste, both eager to rest her feet in a Dojo cottage infatuated by the hearth's head, and to identify the new figure. She grinned and waved lightly, before stuffing her hands under the folds of her warm cloth armor to keep warm in the biting cold terrain. "Hello," she spoke over the raging blizzard, opting to take the more peaceful approach. However, she was unsure of whether or not the woman similar in stature and fairness to her was one of the Sensei's she heard such praise of.

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    [i]The girl suddenly slowed her own pace as she looked up towards Luana, her facial features revealed by the movement. With smooth olive skin, and angular, sharp jaw and high yet shallow cheekbones, she flashed a slight grin before raising her left hand to brush brunette hair out of her eyes - her eyes...[/i] [i]The girl's eyes stood out the most.[/i] [i]In the state they were in, they couldn't even be considered eyes. Where her pupils and irises once were, a deep beautiful blue was, completely engulfing her eyeballs, with a speckle of bright gold within them. The girl seemed to have been completely blind - yet she could see Luana?[/i] [u]"...H-Hey."[/u] [i]The girl spoke with a raised yet light voice, beginning to move closer and closer to Luana's location. She could only see Luana's very outline, due to the newcomer's magical presence. If Luana wasn't a mage, the girl wouldn't see a thing.[/i]

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    She did in fact exude a strong magical power, though it was sinister by nature, malicious and evil, one that Marcia could sense with ease. However, she still smiled in response to to the girl, despite her apparent blindness and strange appearance that was strikingly close to Luana's own. "Uhh... you okay?" She asked, looking under the white hood and the shadows it cast to see the girl.

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    [u]"O-Okay? I'm perfectly fine, thank you. I don't think we've met. In fact, I don't think you've been here all.[/u] [u]Marcia Rosegold. Tis a pleasure."[/u] [i]Marcia performed a proper, dignified bow towards Luana, beginning to look up towards her after committing the action. A faint smile was upon her face, as her hands retreated back to her deep pockets.[/i] [u]"...I suppose you would like to enter the Dojo, yes? I can get you in. I'm sure I can."[/u]

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    She smied in reassurance that the strange girl was okay. "Thanks for the introduction, Marcia. A pleasure to meet you. I am Luana Kalhye, Empress of Avaran. Truly, delighted." She outstretched a hand to the hooded girl, shaking it and waited for Marcia to clasp it in her own, as a form of camradiere. "And it would be great to get in. I've came a long way to arrive here, you know."

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    [i]Eventually, Marcia did clasp Luana's hand tightly, yet she clearly wasn't trying to cause harm. A faint grin was still upon the young mage's face as she let go of the Empress's hand, before she continued on with speaking in her quite voice.[/i] [u]"Then I suppose...[/u] [u]I mean, from what I've been told, I can let people in and test people. So, er...come along, I guess."[/u] [i]While she did seem introverted, Marcia still smiled as she then turned her back to Luana, motioning her to follow as she began to walk towards the Dojo.[/i]

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  • Oh shit Is it Irina? Or is it Olivia? 'Cuz I can't tell

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    Nope and Nope. It's goddamn Marcia.

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  • [i]From behind her, the sound of a massive figure in mechanical armor could be heard, approaching the gates. Behind her was none other than the Courier himself, in his full suit of X-01 MKVI Advanced Tesla Power Armor. His M2HB .50 caliber belt-fed heavy machine gun sat atop his right shoulder, the skull of an alpha deathclaw atop his left. A large combat knife was situated in a leg holster on the inside of his left leg, and two large revolvers sat at his hips in leather holsters. Two belts of .50BMG ammo crossed his chest, and on his back, beneath his tattered Old World Flag cloak, an M240B, an M1 rifle, and a machete. On the rear of his waist, a sawback Bowie, and an M1911 rested in a shoulder holster. The helmet he wore was still spattered with blood, and the insignia of the Cobalt Phoenix graced his chest-plate. In one hand, he seemed to be dragging a severely mangled corpse, and in the other, a large burlap sack full of something else. Looking to the girl, whom he towered over at nearly seven feet tall in his armor, he was surprised to see her outside the gate. He stopped for a moment, and looked to the body he was dragging, chest cavity ripped apart by .50 caliber rounds, head blown clean off, and the he looked back at her, before speaking.[/i] Well.... this is f*ckin' awkward...

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    The shock of the sight was much to take in for Luana, as fresh blood of the mangled and defiled corpse contrasted greatly on the freshly-shed stark white powder. The young warrior had heard of accounts of manslaughter, murder, accidental shows of force, and understood it. She had seen worse before... but only the initial surprise had gotten her. Otherwise, she only looked down on the dead man who festered and rotted with relative disdain. After seconds more of staring into the man's mangled and split chest cavity, Luana stared forward to the brooding figure that dragged it. He certainly was intimidating. The large suit of power, skulls of long-dead and fearsome creature as well as a small armory of weapons inflicted a sense of caution in the fair woman who stood before him. She flinched at his speaking. "Certainly. Who is... [i]that?[/i]" She asked in a queasy tone when pointing to the body, beginning to rot with a foul stench.

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  • Uh.... let's not worry about that... [i]He tossed the corpse into the ditch on the side of the road, totally unconcerned about it. Besides, what was in the bag was what he actually needed.[/i] I'm guessing that you're new, then... WELL, WELCOME TO MOTHERF*CKIN' DOJO!

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    She tittered in response to Wilson's grandiose greeting after the initial reaction she held to the ripened dead body. "Yes, I am new. Are you Alexander Wilson, by any chance? Courier Six, if you may recognize that more so?" She looked up to the armored man with a glitter of pure excitement and admiration in her eyes, body beginning to jitter where she stood.

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  • That's a bingo. What gives it away? The power armor or the machine gun? I really should work on being inconspicuous, but I ain't that kind of man. [i]He noticed her behavior, her body language, and certainly her tone quickly.[/i] That ain't the usual reaction I get from people.... usually they haul *ss the other way or start shooting... and then die....

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    "Your posterior recognition, insignia, intimidation... but yes, those too. On my way here I studied the extensive grimoire of the Dojo, superstition, history, and the great warriors fostered in these harrowed old walls. You were not hard to find for that reason." Luana laughed quite a bit at the second part, which only broadened her smile. "I'm not one to feint fear or aggression. I've traveled too far to do such, anyways. Standing in the wake of a legend is exhilarating, regardless."

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  • First off, I ain't a warrior, I'm a do*chebag with a bunch of guns and a mental condition. Second off, if I'm a legend then damn, I'm doing something right... [i]He said. This woman was strange, as most arrivals hadn't known him or his exploits, as they were far beyond their time. Most people also weren't necessarily proud to be around him, he wasn't exactly a role model for the people in the Dojo. He was insane, and by all means a mass-murderer with a fetish for guns, but somehow, this woman seemed interested in him. [/i] Third off, I'm surprised you managed to even go diggin' after all that information on this place. Most people don't do that nowadays.

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  • [b]As you approached the gates, it generally became... quieter. Peaceful. But at the same time, it was chaotic. All the turmoil this place had caused, the lives given for it... The imprints of all the past events that took place at the Dojo could still be felt. A young but masculine voice broke the eerie yet peaceful silence.[/b] Hey! Who the hell are you? [b]Garin had his laser rifle trained on your chest, prepared to pull the trigger.[/b]

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    Luana slid her 9mm pistol Gevena Der from its holster and bringing it to Garin's head. Her hand shook and legs wavered, tired from the long and weary trek that had taken to her there, but also uncomfortable to stare down the barrel of his gun. "My question is the same," she spoke with a hint of desperation as the rifle's barrel began to prod her.

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  • You first. [b]The rifle remained in the same position, unwavering, ready to kill.[/b] [spoiler]Ready to kill you-*gets sniped*[/spoiler]

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    "Luana Kalhye, Empress of Avaran. Now, you." She took deep breaths, calming down and forcefully peeling her eyes off of the gun so as to regulate her breathing.

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