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11/25/2016 7:32:46 PM

Thank you, Bungie, for changing my life.

It's a day late, I know, but I wanted to share my story for Thanksgiving anyway. I'm not normally one for shooters, but ever since the day I began playing this game, I've been drawn to it. The beautiful environments, the new enemies, the intriguing lore; I wanted to immerse myself into this world and learn everything about it. But when I first logged into this game called Destiny, I never dreamed I would meet mine. It began in February, during a King's Fall raid. I had been invited in by a friend, and in this raid I met a player who went by the name eyesofoblivion. He and I worked well together, and even after the raid we started playing together frequently. I found myself even putting the controller down and just sitting in the Tower, talking to this guy for hours. Then one day he asked me if I would ever consider dating him. I couldn't lie to myself. I liked him. He was everything a great Guardian should be: smart, loyal, funny, loving, just, and he had a way of looking on the bright side even when his Light was dim. And we just...clicked. So I said yes. I was hesitant at first, to be honest. After all, he lives in Canada while I myself live in Florida, but I had faith that if this was truly meant to be, it would work out. A few weeks later, he made the long drive across nearly 2,000 miles to come see me. I was nervous, not because I didn't trust him, but because I worried I might not be what he expected. He quickly put those fears to rest and we had a wonderful first meeting on the Florida coast. Now it's November. We've bonded more and more through this great game and its community, which has always smiled on our story. We two fortunate Guardians are now happily engaged, eager to join forces and spend the rest of our days guarding the City together. And so I thank you, Bungie. Whether you know it or not, you have truly made a lasting impact on my life with your work by bringing me to the love of my life. This really was my Destiny. Sincerest thanks, Orca--Song and eyesofoblivion

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