originally posted in:The New Dojo
"I do not have... genitals... so I don't really care. Now, submit to my command!"
[b]The figure starts trying to hack into Tubbs mind.[/b]
... [b]he tries to think of random and disgusting things to get you to leave his mind[/b]
"I have seen it all before, and far worse. In fact, I feed off of what you might consider bad." [b]Tubbs starts to feel a sharp pain in his head.[/b]
Mother! [b]he falls and grabs his head[/b] Fine then. [b]Tubbs starts thinking about happy things, like a baby panda eating a lollipop [/b]
[b]You can hear the figure get in your mind.[/b] "Fine then, if you want a fight, I'll give it to you." [b]The happy though turns into a horrifying one as the Panda is brutally murdered by what looks to be Tubbs.[/b]
[b]Tubbs turns into a baby penguin, and the panda turns into a rainbow[/b] [b]the penguin starts flying to the clouds[/b]
[b]The clouds turn into toxic carbon monoxide clouds, and acid rain starts falling on the Earth.[/b] "I can keep this up for eternity. The question is, can you?"
[b]the acid rain turns into normal rain and the clouds disappear[/b] [b]it floods and the rain stops, the penguin is on a boat fishing in the middle of the water[/b]
[b]A shark comes up and eats the penguin and the boat.[/b]
[b]that shark flies up into the sky and dances in the clouds with cloud people[/b]
"You are quite exceptional at this. Perhaps I should try a different method." [b]You feel another sharp pain in your head, this time coming from much deeper in your mind.[/b] "If I can't control your conscious or subconscious, then I will have to do this manually." [b]It feels like fingertips are touching you mind and stimulating you to do different things. First, you start walking, and then trip yourself.[/b]
Boi....... [b]he starts yelling something[/b] TUBBS 2 I SUMMON YOU!!! [b]a spirit that looks exactly like Tubbs appears, and also jumps into his body[/b]
"Two Tubbs? Dang it." [b]You feel one more sharp jolt from your mind before the creature flies away.[/b]
[b]Tubbs 2 also leaves[/b] [b]Tubbs gets back up[/b] That mean I win!? [spoiler]i guess he left and the fight continues in your newest post[/spoiler]
[b]You can hear a distant cry of 'I will return much stronger!"[/b] [spoiler]Sort of. These new guys are related to this guy, but they are not the same person.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]oh[/spoiler] [spoiler]end[/spoiler]