Does anyone else have all three classes as females? Or am I the only one.
I just dislike the way armor, especially on Titans, looks on male guardians.
Yeah I have all male and my cote on my warlock makes him look really fat.
That's interesting because I think the way female titans armor looks is really weird. I haven't seen a female Titan that had armor that looks like it fits right. Female hunters tho, that's a different story. 👌👌👌. All my characters are dudes. Honestly only the Titan matters because I don't touch the other two. Modeled him after myself cuz I consider that to be the first step to get immersed in the game. Also male titans just look so badass.
I flipped a coin. Heads for male and tails for female, I did this three times. Each time I got
The Armamentarium is meant for female titans.[spoiler]You know why.[/spoiler]
Male warlock, male titan, female hunter ( PVP try hard character because of the tiny hit box)
I kinda designed mine with personalities and characters in mind (bite me. gotta get that character development where you can) so my titan and warlock were designed with facial aesthetic in mind. Couldn't bring myself to reroll my Hunter though- first character. One day I'll write some stories of them- might set up 3 on another account to help with other characters.
Two female hunters and a female warlock. All awoken :)
My titan is a male, my hunter and warlock are female. I just think female titans look like they are starving. Also my titan was my first character so no delete for him
Hunter's female. Obvious choice. I kinda made my warlock with a personality in mind, so also female. Titan is male- used to be an exo female (cause I'm multicultural yo) but decided to reroll cause male Titans seemed a bit more fitting of the armour.
My Hunter and Warlock are female because I prefer the way the armor fits them. Titan is male because I think a lot of Titan armor looks weird on females, plus their pose is weird.
*Raises hand*
I have all males. Just cuz I'm that guy
Here's a meme that I found awhile ago and really helps out from time to time.
No but I wish I could change my warlock to a female.
Or you have feelings and thoughts about being a woman.
I have all male guardians but I mean that's just me
My Hunter is female, and I had a female Titan for awhile.
My girls kick ass. I feel like Charlie from Charlie's Angels.
Yo! All 3 female! Right here.
Nah it's just you. And that's some pretty sus behavior.