So, what are people playing now until $RL comes?
Edit 1: I forgot the rules on updating your topic as it gets more comments.
Edit 2: We are trending!!!!!! OMG!
Edit 3: 50 Replies?!?!?!?! WOW, Keep it up guys!!!!
Edit 4: 75 Reples !?!?!?! Yay! I will get an extra cookie with my milk tonight.
Edit 5: 100 Replies? OMFG, You guys are so great. Thanks for your replies!!!
Edit 6: Can we get 150 replies???? Come on guys!!!
Edit 7: YAY, 200 Replies!!!!! Notice me Senpai!!!!
Edit 8: GoFund is here!!!!!!!!
Edit 9: I'm going to play The Division while you guys waste your time commenting.
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Gaming forum where you can discuss games unrelated to Destiny or Bungie's games. See [url=]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Gaming tag and its uses.
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
Still destiny with a tad bit of destiny in there
Back to fallout 4 lol
I'm still playing Destiny but with 3x 400 chars I don't have a lot of motivation other than to play with clan members when we are all on. I picked up Battlefield 1 for $27 on Black Friday along with the new 3DS and a copy of Pokemon Moon. Should keep me busy for a while.
No overwatch?!
Overwatch/Pokémon Sun
Bouncing between Overwatch, Titanfall 2, and Battlefield 1..also I've been enjoying Majora's Mask on my 3DS lol
Dark Souls 3 and BF1
I played a few matches today out of pure boredom...literally NO ONE of my friendslist played Destiny. First time since I arrived on day7. It's a shame...Lightlevel goes up way too fast, Crucible is broken, PvE content is too dumbed down and easy. Bunglevision screwed the game with catering for the thimbless noobs in both PvE and PvP.
I lost interest and moved on months ago. Depending on what changes Destiny 2 brings to the table I'll return next September. Just started FFXV and loving it so far. Next week The Last Guardian releases and I'll pick that up as well.
Destiny never dies, it just goes into a state of hibernation until new content drops. And as for what im playing now is Final Fantasy XV.
I still play Destiny as much as I can, but my brother doesn't enjoy the game for whatever reason (he never liked it which is weird) and he's been feeling left out so I used an Amazon gift card to buy Infinite Warfare for both of us. It probably won't replace Destiny but it will definitely chew into my time as I want to play with him. I was going to buy Titanfall 2 but that doesn't have splitscreen.
Waiting for like 5 games to come home...
Overwatch, Dishonored 2, & The Last Guardian next week
Fallout 4 until Christmas when I get new games
Titanfall 2, Gears 4, Skyrim, Mafia 3 and Destiny.
Destiny isnt a choice?
Nothing. Taking a break from games until destiny 2. Nothing worth my time enjoying other things besides sitting in front of a tv.
Me and 3 clan members got Borderlands handsome collection. I forgot how good the game was... and also noticed lots of similarities with destiny! I do wish you could slide along the floor though!
There's no option for Destiny. Game's not dead.
[quote]Skyrim V - Elder Scrolls[/quote]
"Clean the House: Pro Edition" until BF1 gets here. Scrubbing the bathtub > Destiny right now
Titanfall 2 and battlefield 1.
Okay I can't be the only one triggered by the way he wrote Skyrim.
Just pulled Diablo 3: RoS out again. I have resumed my quest to find a godly Kridershot. I will find it!
fkn terraria kek