Bramd - old
Well, the first fight was short lived, and I pretty much won by default. In my second fight, I was fighting with Zane, and the two of us broke every rule the Deity put in -
Cannon laughs. "He must have been ticked."
Bramd - old
Yeah, the Deity threw down so many red cards! *He chuckles slightly* In the end I lost against him, but he's a skilled vet, and it was a good fight. -
"Sounds like you had a good time. I haven't been here that long, that last tournament was my first."
Bramd - old
Yeah... I got that -
Cannon shrugs. "So, what exactly is the plan for catching this guy? Dead or alive?"
Bramd - old
Dead. I'm trying to catch him with little help outside. He's MY responsibility -
"Alright. Similar powers to you I'm guessing?"