You guys should check destinytracker when you have some time if that site is right daily 1.4 million is nothing to joke around
Having this big of a player base and only having a "live team" of 10 people to give us $$$ events is just a joke.I hope srl will be better and we will get a balance patch that actually tries to balance the game this december instead of changing "meta"
[spoiler]Try strikes[/spoiler]
"Try Strikes" How about you try killing yourself.
Boom roasted
I don't think 1.4 million is an accurate number for active players. If it is then that's okay, considering the game peaked at a little over 55million.
1 million across 4 consoles isn't that great really. Especially active means recently played. Which I'm sure is less since those recent players stopped
Next dominates though so it is still a healthy playerbase on those consoles
Ah I didn't think of all four consoles if that is the case it definitely isn't good
I doubt there's still a million people still playing
I don't know. I think there is this game is world wide. :/
I anticipate Srl over the new year probably a cash cow with a few new shaders and sparrows to entice us, but I dont think we will see much until maybe April where we might see some new or returning exotics and perhaps (still a long shot) year 3 versions of old raids and events thats all I can imagine happening to keep the minimum interest through until D2
SRL and a balance patch is too little to late. D2 is the only thing that can save this dead carcass.
Right with destiny 2 there may be more events in a year rather than iron banner or srl I hope they bring crimson doubles back but I doubt it
1.4 million people spread worldwide on a p2p connection is not a good thing.
I definitely know that since I'm playing from Turkey.I hope we will have something similar to battefields network system on the next destiny game
Maybe but with activision pulling the strings it doesn't look good.