Lets first decifer the intelligence of the community and see if they know what a "GOOD" game or game better than Desti.y is
I myself am playing Dishonored 2 simply because i havent bought a game in like a year due to having multiple needy kids
Well no i did buy Mirrors Edge 2 as well
But i will be buying 10 other games as the month to christmas approaches
Am i the only smart one to jump ship first and see that vanilla and its counterparts are sinking way faster then expected
Maybe so but there are so many better games out there hell i bet if you made and all time top 20 in the history of gaming list destimy wouldnt be i. The hundreds either
Please let me know where this game ranks
While you ibviously are playing better shit
U didnt jump anywhere but back on destiny. U played today. Epic fail. User error
Variks, get on the comms!
Are you drunk?? I can barely understand anything from this post... hahaha