originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b]He bows [/b]
"Royal. Probably death's biggest supplier alongside Mortar."
"Ah I see. I don't mettle in the affairs of his acquaintances often. I'm tasked with simply calming the ones who have trouble moving on. Whether they decide to or not still entirely lies in their hands" She then eyes the marble and begins the reach out for it.
[b]Royal reaches towards her hand, dropping it into her palm [/b] "So what are up doing here?"
The figures vanish from sight from the moment the marble exchanges hands. "The man from before wandered into a temple dedicated to the lord and desecrated it. I was recognized as the one that would find retrieving it easy due to the amount of followers I have in limbo combine with the relics ability to loosen the gap between the living and limbo."
"Uh so you did some vigilante justice?"
"If you asked the dead they would say death himself told me to do this. If you asked the living however, perhaps this could be seen as the act of a vigilante"
"Such a philosophical response."
"Some find philosophy rather calming."
"I did not say anything against it. Not at all."
"Don't worry, I didn't take offence to that. I was simply mentioning philosophy tends to come up in my job often"
"Well it must. What with showing people the way an all."
"As gloomy as it can sometimes be I'll admit I enjoy my task. I'd probably make a terrible tormenter. Well unless they weren't fond of being calmed. I'd probably agrivate... a berserker." For a split second there is a hint of frustration on her face when mentioning a berserker.
"You alright there's Ashes? /
"The other reason I'm here is a berserker recently died. I was trying calm him down and all he could think of is fighting his way out of death. I was told to take a sort of vacation from my duty. Ironically I'm coming to the land of the living to calm myself down"
"Wait what happened to make you have a vacation?"
"Currently the decision is to have a warrior from Valhalla to try to get this beast to accept his death. While I wait I have permission to wander the land of the living. I'll still be upholding my duty to calm other souls I come across"
"Ah. See that makes alot more sense."
A small but noticeable smile forms across her face. "I am glad you agree." Her gaze turns towards a tree with Christmas ornaments on it. "The dead told me about this time of year. Lights, Shiney bulbs, an offering of presents to those who they love. I guess I'll have to make friends with the locals while I wander to understand this celebration"
"Christmas? Personally I hate it. Very much unnecessary with the giving. Now Hanukkah. That's interesting"
"I guess there will be much to learn about while I'm here. Mortals seem very interesting in this plain of existence"
"Oh they are. Very much so"
"I guess I will walk around and see what they have to offer. You are welcome to come or stay."