originally posted in:The New Dojo
[quote][u][i][b]Epilogue Party[/b][/i][/u][/quote]
In the main courtyard (too lazy to look at actual names) a bunch of lights, a lit up dance floor, and an open bar were set up. Near the dance floor was [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ab/08/56/ab08569b29cdf2776073ba00410cd628.jpg]Charlie[/url] with a Daft Punk like helmet on as he Dj'd. Of course, he only played the cooliest of music as he head-banged to the beat perfectly.
A fully healed [url=http://pre03.deviantart.net/9aa2/th/pre/i/2015/318/4/b/aeolian_dance_by_wlop-d9gmgvl.jpg]Isorropia[/url] was dancing on the dance floor with [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/aa/82/76/aa8276c51757903b11e8b21e9c8d384f.jpg]Charlotte[/url](Isorropia in the attire in the picture and Charlotte wearing a rather revealing black dress). Both were having an amazing time as they showed that they both had experience dancing in this type of environment. At times Charlotte's dancing did get...questionably overly sexual.
Hanging off to the side was a shy Artemis wearing a beautiful purple dress. She had her hair put up in a pony tail and had some lovely perfume on.
[url=http://pngimg.com/upload/businessman_PNG6580.png]Chuck[/url] was at the open bar on his 50th drink. He was trying to make it seem like he was happy, but it was obvious he was extremely upset.
[spoiler]Open. Speak to whoever. Walk around and speak to everyone, idk.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Here's some party music if ya need it to set the mood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYIeXe5xQQs[/spoiler]
[i]He finds Iso/Pan and Charlotte dancing together. While Charlotte did more questionably overly sexual dancing, Iso/Pan danced with more energy.[/i]
[b]Nathaniel saw the two dancing and decided not to interrupt. He couldn't see Gabriel anywhere either so he began towards Charlie [/b]
[i]Charlie got down from the turntable to take a break from DJing. He took off his helmet and waved to you.[/i]
[b]Nathaniel waved as well, now a few feet away [/b] "You're doing well for a man that got shot."
[i]Charlie shrugs.[/i] "I was also stabbed multiple times. So, how have you been, Mr. Nathaniel?"
"I am doing quite well. How are you?"
"I believe that I'm currently happy. I'm not used to having emotions like this
"How did you discover the emotions?"
"I was simply given them when I woke up in this body. I don't fully understand them still. I hope to know what love is in the future."
"And maybe you will. Plenty of women out there."
[i]Chuck nods.[/i] "Yes, but I was told that will take time. Luckily, even in this body, I don't age so I can wait without worrying about death by natural causes. Do you have someone you love, Mr. Nathaniel?"
"No i do not. Think I'm a tad young, don't you? Only eighteen."
"Are you? I'm still don't fully understand everything, Mr. Nathaniel."
"Maybe not.... Love can drown you like an ocean. Or it can help you breath. Doesn't matter the age."
Edited by Stitch: 12/3/2016 2:17:54 AM[i]Charlie nods his head.[/i] "I will have that quote recorded for later."
"You will? Heh. Put it under Nathaniel the wise." [b]he chuckles [/b]
[i]Charlie smiles.[/i] "Of course, Mr. Nathaniel. It'll be next to Sam the Wise."
"Sam the wise? A story for another time."
"The Lord of the Rings is one of my favorite tales. The whole world is just so interesting to me."
"Yes. Which is why we must discuss it at a later point. Once o start, I won't stop."
[i]Charlie nods in agreement.[/i] "So, have you talked to Charlotte and Iso yet? I know you talked to Chuck."
"No i haven't, didn't want to interrupt their dancing."
"You should talk to them. They won't mind."
"Perhaps.. Hey, I have question. Is it true Canon and Iso/Pan had a thing?"
"The friendship was confusing, but I know they weren't too serious romantically. Why do you ask? If you're wondering if Iso would want to be with you, I'd give it a 64% chance that she'd go on a date with you and a 99% chance that she'd want to dance. After the dance, I don't know what the chances of a date are."