originally posted in:The New Dojo
[quote][u][i][b]Epilogue Party[/b][/i][/u][/quote]
In the main courtyard (too lazy to look at actual names) a bunch of lights, a lit up dance floor, and an open bar were set up. Near the dance floor was [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ab/08/56/ab08569b29cdf2776073ba00410cd628.jpg]Charlie[/url] with a Daft Punk like helmet on as he Dj'd. Of course, he only played the cooliest of music as he head-banged to the beat perfectly.
A fully healed [url=http://pre03.deviantart.net/9aa2/th/pre/i/2015/318/4/b/aeolian_dance_by_wlop-d9gmgvl.jpg]Isorropia[/url] was dancing on the dance floor with [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/aa/82/76/aa8276c51757903b11e8b21e9c8d384f.jpg]Charlotte[/url](Isorropia in the attire in the picture and Charlotte wearing a rather revealing black dress). Both were having an amazing time as they showed that they both had experience dancing in this type of environment. At times Charlotte's dancing did get...questionably overly sexual.
Hanging off to the side was a shy Artemis wearing a beautiful purple dress. She had her hair put up in a pony tail and had some lovely perfume on.
[url=http://pngimg.com/upload/businessman_PNG6580.png]Chuck[/url] was at the open bar on his 50th drink. He was trying to make it seem like he was happy, but it was obvious he was extremely upset.
[spoiler]Open. Speak to whoever. Walk around and speak to everyone, idk.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Here's some party music if ya need it to set the mood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYIeXe5xQQs[/spoiler]
"... I was asking because Canon told me he liked her "
[i]Charlie nods.[/i] "Sorry, I'm trying to predict better. I was far off. I'm not used to relationships."
"Yeah neither am I my friend. Neither am I."
[i]Charlie waves.[/i] "Well, you shoukd go talk to Iso now."
"If you wish, Charlie." [b]Nathaniel waves before looking for Iso [/b]
[i]Iso and Charlotte are still dancing together. Charlotte's dancing is extremely sexual, while Iso's is far more innocent.[/i]
[b]Nathaniel heads over to the two, moving through the crowd [/b]
[i]Iso notices Nathan and hugs him.[/i] "Nathaniel!"
"Woah! Hey there Pa- sorry Isoporhia? Right is that how you say it?"
"Isorropia, but call me Iso." [i]Charlotte walks up to the two hugging.[/i] [b]Charlotte:[/b] "Hello, I'm Charlotte."
"Hello Charlotte. You already know my name from the time you tried killing me on the bridge."
[b]Charlotte:[/b] "That's right! Sorry, for...trying to kill you."
"Oh it's no problem!" [b]He smiles, a very genuine smile [/b]
[i]Charlotte joins the hug.[/i] [b]Iso:[/b] "I love group hugs!"
"So comfortable aren't they?"
[b]Iso:[/b] "It would be better if Charlotte would stop grabbing me in inapproriate places." [b]Charlotte:[/b] "Sorry...."
[b]Nathaniel chuckled as he broke it off, stepping back [/b] "It's good to see you up and about Pan- sorry Iso."
[i]Charlotte continues to hug Iso from behind inappropriatly.[/i] [b]Iso:[/b] "Yeah, Charlie managed to heal me pretty quick."
"Charlotte shoo." [b]He brushes Charlotte away, getting her off Iso[spoiler][/spoiler][/b]
[i]Charlotte whines and wraps her arms around Iso's chest.[/i] [b]Iso:[/b] "Just, let her be."
"So, my damsel in distress how are you feeling?"
[i]Iso giggles and winks.[/i] "I'm fairing well, my hero."
"I have a question, my dear damsel. May I have this dance?" [b]He did a slight bow, offering his hand [/b]
[i]Iso takes his hand.[/i] "It would be an honor to dance with you."
[b]He brings her close, dancing up to her [/b]