originally posted in:The New Dojo
[quote][u][i][b]Epilogue Party[/b][/i][/u][/quote]
In the main courtyard (too lazy to look at actual names) a bunch of lights, a lit up dance floor, and an open bar were set up. Near the dance floor was [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ab/08/56/ab08569b29cdf2776073ba00410cd628.jpg]Charlie[/url] with a Daft Punk like helmet on as he Dj'd. Of course, he only played the cooliest of music as he head-banged to the beat perfectly.
A fully healed [url=http://pre03.deviantart.net/9aa2/th/pre/i/2015/318/4/b/aeolian_dance_by_wlop-d9gmgvl.jpg]Isorropia[/url] was dancing on the dance floor with [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/aa/82/76/aa8276c51757903b11e8b21e9c8d384f.jpg]Charlotte[/url](Isorropia in the attire in the picture and Charlotte wearing a rather revealing black dress). Both were having an amazing time as they showed that they both had experience dancing in this type of environment. At times Charlotte's dancing did get...questionably overly sexual.
Hanging off to the side was a shy Artemis wearing a beautiful purple dress. She had her hair put up in a pony tail and had some lovely perfume on.
[url=http://pngimg.com/upload/businessman_PNG6580.png]Chuck[/url] was at the open bar on his 50th drink. He was trying to make it seem like he was happy, but it was obvious he was extremely upset.
[spoiler]Open. Speak to whoever. Walk around and speak to everyone, idk.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Here's some party music if ya need it to set the mood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYIeXe5xQQs[/spoiler]
Kari nods. He had presumed Arty had once been where he was, only possibly on her own. He figured since he had been stealing from bakeries he couldn't really judge her own actions. "Well, that was a very nice thing of you to do. I'm sure she needed a friend then more than ever."
[i]Iso hugs Arty and hops in place.[/i] [b]Iso:[/b] "Yep! And now she's not a criminal!" [b]Arty:[/b] "Uhh...you can stop the hopping." [i]Arty seems slightly uncomfortable.[/i]
Kari looks for something to distract the seemingly distractable Iso. "Uh.. hey, look over there, some guy is giving out free hugs." he says as points at some guy with a free hugs shirt.
[i]Iso moves faster than light and tackles the man. Arty is relieved.[/i] [b]Arty:[/b] "Thank you."
"Yup. Is she always that touchy?.." he asked, rubbing his shoulders.
[i]Arty giggles and nods.[/i] "Yes, but it grows on you."
"Im just not used to being touched by strangers is all. I get nervous. So, uh, I also came looking for ya, just wondering, if you, uh, would like to that sushi restaurant again?" he asked, occasionally stuttering.
[i]Artemis is a little surprised by the request.[/i] "Of course! I love going there and I get a discount. Whenever you wanna go there just grab your family and find me."
"I uh..i sorta meant just y-you and me.." he said as he nervously rubbed his arm.
[i]Artemis looks confused.[/i] "Why just the two of us? Doesn't your family need to eat? If it's because there wasn't enough food I can order more next time for you."
"No, that Jason guy's been helping with food, so we're fine on that term..I ... you know what, nevermind.. It was silly of me to ask anyway.." he said, obviously embarrassed.
[i]Arty puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder.[/i] "Hey, we can go as just the two of us sometime. We can have some fun as friends."
He smiles, liking the idea. "Yeah, thats what i was trying to ask.." he says, his mood being restored.
[i]Arty smiles back and giggles.[/i] "You could've worded it better and I don't understand the embarrassment. Friends eat out together all the time. You were acting like the males from my clan when they asked out the females."
"Im not used to being social." He chuckled at his own flaw.
Edited by Stitch: 12/4/2016 2:53:43 PM"It's alright, I'm not the best socially eith-" [i]A women with similar ears and tail to Arty tackles Arty. She has silver hair, eyes, ears, and tail. She looks like she's in her early 20's and is wearing a white dress that shows some skin, but isn't slooty.[/i] [b]Arty:[/b] "The hell?!"
Kari yelps in surprise. "Wha? Uhm, who are you?" he asks the newcomer.
[i]Arty is laying on her back and the new beauitifle girl sits on Arty's chest.[/i] "Hi, I'm Sasha"
"Uh, hi Sasha.." he says, getting nervous and shy. As he said, he doesn't know how to social.
Edited by Stitch: 12/4/2016 3:04:39 PM[i]Arty tries to Sasha off, but Sasha is too strong.[/i] [b]Sasha: [/b]"So, are you a friend of my sis Arty?" [b]Arty:[/b] "She's not my real sister."
"Uhm, i guess i am, why?" he asks, calming as he hears they at least know each other.
[b]Sasha:[/b] "You guess? Are you two dating or something?" [b]Arty:[/b] "No!"
He blushes. "What? No! We only met a few days ago."
[i]Sasha laughs and winks at Kari.[/i] [b]Sasha:[/b] "So? What's the name of Arty's mate?" [i]Arty's face is completely red as she tries to get Sasha off.[/i] [b]Arty:[/b] "He is not my mate!"
Kari blushes more, the white fur on his face turning reddish. "We're not mates!" he said at the same time as Arty. "My name's Karishad, Kari for short.." he finally answers after an awkward pause.