originally posted in:The New Dojo
Snow was undoubtedly having a blast, clad in running shorts and a t-shirt that was cut off at her midsection. For whatever reason the orange soda seemed to keep her in more of a buzz, rendering her "condition" -cough cough- to be somewhat neutral. After a little while she bumped into Artemis and almost spilled a little bit of her drink.
"Oops!" -hic- "Sorry 'bout tha'."
[i]Artemis chuckled at the buzzed Snow.[/i] "It's okay, Snow. Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah..just a little -hic- buzzzed.." She seemed off balance.
[i]Artemis grabs Snow and sits her down on a seat next to her.[/i] "Snow, you should probably sit down."
"yeah -hic- probably" She yawns. "Doo yoou haavve any cofffee?"
[i]Artemis rolls her eyes.[/i] "Yeah, I'll go get it for you." [i]In a few minutes she returns with a cup and hands it to Snow.[/i]
She takes the cup and slowly downs the whole thing. She shakes her head afterward. "Whoo! Now im feeling much better!"
[i]Artemis giggles.[/i] "That's good news. I wouldn't want you to do something you'll regret while you're buzzed."
She laughed. "Too late for that! Anyway, where even are we? All i heard was party and followed the smell of a bunch of sweaty people without looking where i was actually going."
"The main courtyard of the Dojo...What did you do that you'll regret?"