originally posted in:The New Dojo
[spoiler]Uhhhhhh. Didn't Chuck die?[/spoiler]
The deity walked up to the bar, leaning against it. He signalled the bartender, and he got to making his drink immediately. Then, he stared at Chuck, who was at the bar.
"And how are you here....eh?"
[i]Charlie grins knowingly at Deity.[/i] [b]Iso:[/b] "Please, Charlie! Please!" [b]Charlie:[/b] "We will not fight unless Iso is in immediate danger and if she ever gets threatened we are leaving the group."
"Then I guess you can't meet her...such a shame..."
[b]Iso:[/b] "Charlie!" [b]Charlie:[/b] "As long as we don't have to fight, I'll join. Maybe I'll change my mind and fight if everything works out for a while after we join."
"Fantastic! We'll do some fantastic stuff together you guys! Anyways. I'll be heading out here now! Talk to you munchkins later!"
[b]Iso:[/b] "What about the girl?!"
"Tomorrow 4:00pm!"
[b]Iso:[/b] "Where?"
"The gate!" [spoiler]Ill bump her intro if you so please [/spoiler]
[b]Iso:[/b] "Bye, Deity!" [b]Charlie:[/b] "Bye, Mr. Deity!" [spoiler]sure[/spoiler]
[spoiler]it has been bumped! [/spoiler]