Im not doubting that destiny 2 will sell, but its definitely not going to sell nearly as much as 1 did due to the initial false advertising 1 had, and the fact that 1 got poor reception from a lot of people, including the majority of big reviewers. Who knows though, maybe bungie will pull off something unexpected and great with 2. Respawn managed to do it, maybe bungie can too.
I'd be willing to put a lot of money on D2 outselling Destiny.
So many people were dissapointed in vanilla i dont think they will fool as many people a second time but they will retain their dedicated base. I still rememeber the first year of #destiny. Its really tame now considering only the dedicated are the ones left
Really? Even if you like the game thats just unrealistic. With the burn a ton of people had from the release, to the review scores, to just the amount of people who have quit, theres no way its going to sell as much. To be completely honest, the main reason destiny sold so much was just the hype of the advertising (which had false things in it) and the fact that it was bungie.
We'll see. It'll outsell it. Watch.
You haven't given me a reason why it might do that though. Pretty much all the evidence we have points to it not selling as much. Of course anything can happen, but its not likely that d2 will outsell d1
1. It's a game being built for the new consoles. It'll be beautiful. 2. It's a chance for them to right some wrongs from Destiny. I highly doubt they ignore those things. 3. Never underestimate consumerism. People are dumb. They'll see its pretty and has crazy vault space or something and they'll be enticed. It's really that easy for some people. 4. It's marketing campaign will likely be along the lines of CoD or BF. It'll be big. I don't have stats to tell you it'll sell just like you don't have anything pointing to it now. I just have a feeling and faith in the company. I think it's going to be a very good game, and I think it'll outsell D1. Easily.
While 3 and 4 are likely true, the 1st reason really doesnt mean much because other franchises with more well received games will be doing the same thing, and while 2 will happen for some, for many others there is probably no going back to destiny unless some things are drastically changed. Im one of those people. If they learned how to make an actual good loot system and made an actual good story (which they have been on the right track for), and also fix the multitude of server issues and balancing, id be happy to come back.