We will make Offtopic strong again. We will make Offtopic proud again. We will make Offtopic safe again. And we will make Offtopic great again. That's one of the nice things. I mean, part of the beauty of me is that I'm very rich. So if I need $600 million, I can put $600 million myself. That's a huge advantage. I must tell you, that's a huge advantage over the other candidates
People can judge me for what I've done. And I think when somebody's out in the public eye, that's what they do. So I'm fully comfortable with who I am, what I stand for, and what I've always stood for.
I'm gonna build a great great wall and I'm gonna have the politic debatters pay for that wall. We don't know who they are, or where they're from
The truth is that sometimes it is hard even for me to recognize the Mr OP that other people see.
My rival candidate is a bad person, a liar and a corrupt traitor!! Don't vote for them!
I will also restore the Flood as it was and lessen the strictness of the CoC so that you can talk more liberally.
I know that you've been lied to by the Bungie, I know you have been ignored by the Bungie, and I know you have been let down by Bungie, but I will fix all your problems. I can feel your rage and anger for Bungie, and believe me. I KNOW what you go through on a daily basis. We will work together to recreate the once great Flood. Put your faith in Mr OP, dear Offtopic, and the Flood will live again
We will return to the glorious days of old. I know you feel abandoned, and want to feel joy and hope. Those feelings is long overdue and it's time we did something about it.
I, will NOT let you down like Bungie has!! I will restore the forums to greatness once and for all
Even now, I'm fighting for a free OffTopic, if you want to join the fight, comment "Mr OP 2k16" If not, then you don't have to comment anything but please, try to keep hate and harassments out of this post
As you can see in the Imgur provided below, the CoC and ninjas have started abusing their power, banning anything that may be even referring to something offensive. This needs to stop, and I am the man for the job!
I can be head panda right?