originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b][i][u]Veterans of War[/u][/i][/b]
Cannon wanders into the nearby bar, taking a seat on the stool and ordering his drink.
The bartender slides him a pint of Mandalorian black ale and he slowly removes his helmet, careful to stick to the shadows in order to at least slightly hide his face. Glancing around, he searches the bar for any familiar faces.
[spoiler]Open for any characters that are military and/or war vets.[/spoiler]
"Sorry. Got carried away."
Mortar: Yeah, me too. Sorry man.
"What were we talking about again?"
I dunno
"So, Wyatt, you been in a sim yet?"
Wyatt: No, I have not, actually
"It's an impressive piece of tech." Cannon takes a sip from his ale.
Wyatt: So I've heard. *Wyatt smiles slightly* So, uh. Where is it?
"Just down the block. Next courtyard to your right. Looks like a coloseum.'
Wyatt: Oh, That's the sim? Didn't know that
"Yeah, that's it. Crazy realistic. Kinda painful."
Wyatt: Heard a couple stories about it. Sounds like that. Was there a volcano in there at one point? Mortar: Yea, in Olivia's fight
"I wish I had that arena, and not the bloody ocean." Cannon sighs, taking another drink.
Mortar: I'd prefer a simple flat planeland
Cannon laughs. "That's boting."
True, but it's a difficult thing to fight on. No cover, just you and your enemy
Cannon shrugs, finishing his ale and ordering another.
*Mortar orders another beer too* Mortar: I'd say that we could have a drinking game, but I can't get drunk, so...
"Yeah, been there. Not fun."
yeahhh... *Mortar sighs slightly, getting his beer*
"So, either of you have any plans for the holidays?"
Mortar: I'm spending it with Cyan, if she doesn't go stay with Reese. If she is I'll spend it with Serenity. Wyatt: If she is coming over to see Reese, can you tell her to bring Clara and me with her? Clara's been dying to see her.
"I decorated my ship, otherwise I'll probably set up enchanted mistletoe and hidden cameras across the dojo. May get a few laughs."
Mortar: Maybe... Put on a jumbotron with a "Kiss Cam" frame. That'll be funny probably
"A what?"