originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Deathclaws tank .308 ammo like it's BBs. Then again, I've killed one with just a Bowie knife. Not so tough when you're the best goddamn Ranger in the world. Least, I'm told that."
"One word: Mythosaurs. Giant kriffing lizards, about sixty meters tall and eighty to a hundred long. We hunted them into extinction thoudands of yearsa go."
"Must've not been good enough to survive if you hunted it to extinction. All the NCR couldn't take out the Deathclaws, they breed way too fast. Makes for some good hunting, though."
"Sounds like a challenge. The more I hear about this place, the more I like it." Cannon takes another drink.
[b]I slam my hand on the table.[/b] "Not. Fun. Never, ever call that place fun. Place is a hellhole, even with NCR rule. Rest of the planet is fûcked beyond repair."
"Again, sounds like Mandalore. Or maybe Concord Dawn. Is the planet still in one piece? Also, what happened that made it so messed up?"
"Nuclear fire. The whole world. Nuked to hell."
"Ah." Cannon nods in understanding. "And you haven't reteraformed?"
"We don't have that."
Cannon looks at him odd for a second. "You don't- never mind. Your 'earth' sounds a lot like Mandalore. Burned out desert?"
"Some parts. Some are untouched, like New Vegas and New Reno..." [b]I scowl at New Reno. Bad place, bad memories.[/b]
"Yeah, definantly similarities. Mabdalore is mostly a toxic desert ever since the annihilation. Hand full of places untouched, such as Keldabe."
"Just... Never mention Reno. Fûck Reno!" [b]I clearly had problems with New Reno.[/b]
"I'm guessing something bad happened there."
"What the fûck did I just say, Cannon?!"
"Never mention it. Noted."
"Good. How's stuff been going, man?"
"Well. Been working on plotting a chart for my clan to follow. Hopefully they'll arrive in prbit within a month or so. You?"
"I helped Iso out. That's about it."
"Yeah, how's she doing? I haven't seen her in a while."
"Well... She's... Whole now. I guess. It's very weird, and I'm not drunk enough to tell a long story."
"Agreed. Crazy space magic and osik. Allways leads to a headache."
"You're telling me. I'm from a place where magic doesn't even exist."
"Same here, except for the force... But I'd prefer to not speak of that. So, what's the NCR like?"
"NCR... The New California Republic. Where do I begin? We go out to protect people, give 'em government and shit like that. Best years I've spent in my life. Killing the bastards who killed my family is... I hate to say it, but it's fûcking fun."
Cannon nods. "I know the feeling. Never had a real family per se, being a clone and all, but my squad and I were pretty close through training. Grew up together, best years of my life before I came here." He has a far away look in his eye.