Here is why I felt the need to type this, I was in the Crucible and I was like "hey I will run the classic Free-for-All to do my field test weapons. This should put me with people of my own skill ( yes I know about SBMM ) since it is the "kiddie pool" of destiny and I run a K/D 0.75" ( I know "uninstall the game" ) What I rant into is people with full trials and raid gear from what I could later confirm with that were in it to pad stats with their own K/D. I feel like if you have this kind of skill why are you not in the "normal Crucible" ? are you trying to hide the fact you paid someone on ebay to account recover and get your trials gear because you are just as bad as me?
Bungie why cant Classic game mode have :
a light cap to make it the kiddie pool? (365 and under?)
a K/D cap to make it the kiddie pool? (this is a hard call, lets say 1.5%)
both ? (not sure even I feel both is to far)
That way sure if you still feel the need to pad stats you at least have to run gear that isn't as good and hopefully in a way bring some kind of balance to it. I really feel like kinder-guardians have no way to "git gud" as I am often told because we don't have an arena to do so.
Try playing clash in the sweaty tier. The first minute of the match is nothing but grenades being thrown to farm blueberries.