Maybe. Less unnecessary nerfs. But our vault space would still be trash. We might be stuck in a TDB archetype..., No, actually the communication saved this game.
TDB was pure sh>>. Worst version of Destiny ever. Communication gave us HoW, the best version of Destiny ever. Then Bungie stopped listening, and we had the okay but not great TTK, and they started listening again. Then we had the amazing but not perfect April update. Then we got RoI, with no content but no roll backs from the April Update either.
If it wasn't for communication, Destiny would still be the horrible TDB version. I would have left years ago, along with the vast majority of the community.
I agree on vault space but DB was good actually.. All in all year 1 as total was great.. I also agree that they improved a lot of things along the way.. To be precise.. i think the introduction of ToO made people crying and whining and nothing is good enough for them.. I know they nerfed things before ToO but it was way way way less than now, it was a couple of things now it's everything..