originally posted in:The New Dojo
"I'll help you! Just, please, don't! Don't kill yourself! I'll help you through it!"
[b]She tries to hug him again.[/b]
[i]Chuck starts to walk.[/i] "True!" [i]Chuck walks right up to Sasha with a charismatic smile.[/i] [b]Chuck:[/b] "Hello, Miss! I'm Chuck." [i]Sasha seems uninterested.[/i] [b]Sasha:[/b] "Uh, hi? I'm Sasha."
[b]Frisky walks over to Arty and Iso, watching Chuck from over there.[/b]
[i]Chuck holds her hand and Sasha seems confused.[/i] [b]Sasha:[/b] "Can I help you?" [b]Chuck:[/b] "I was just noticing how amazing your eyes are." [i]Sasha raises a brow.[/i] [i]Iso and Arty are too busy watching Chuck.[/i] [b]Arty:[/b] "The hell?"
[b]That's when I step forwards.[/b] Me: "I'll handle it." [b]I walk forwards, and tap Chuck on the shoulder.[/b] "Excuse me, but what in Sam hell are you doing?"
Edited by Stitch: 12/3/2016 9:22:02 PM[i]Sasha laughs as Chuck looks over at Grant.[/i] [b]Chuck:[/b] "What?"
"Why the hell do you have ahold of Sasha's hand? She clearly ain't interested."
[i]Sasha falls on her back from laughing so hard. Chuck sighs and lets go of her hand as Sasha falls.[/i] [b]Chuck:[/b] "That usually works...." [b]Arty:[/b] "Yeah, Sasha isn't really into any romance...at all. Aaaand payback!" [i]Arty tries to fall down on Sasha and sit on her, but Sasha easily moves. Sasha ends up on Arty's chest again.[/i] [b]Sasha:[/b] "Don't even try, sis!"
[b]I laugh as well, and go to pull Sasha off of Artemis again.[/b] "Yeah, that's never worked on anyone I've ever seen, man."
[b]Chuck:[/b] "Yeah, probably has to do with me using no trance." [i]Sasha keeps Grant at bay as she bounces on Arty's chest.[/i] [b]Sasha:[/b] "She must be punished!"
[b]Considering that I can lift around thirty tons, she doesn't keep me at bay for a long time. I lift her off of Artemis.[/b]
[i]Sasha struggles in your grip.[/i] [b]Sasha:[/b] "Grant, I'm a grown women! You can't just pick me up like a kid!"
"Yes I can." [b]I begin to drag her away from Artemis.[/b]
[i]Arty, Iso, and Charlotte laugh as you drag Sasha. Sasha pouts like a child.[/i] [b]Arty:[/b] "Not so big now, are you Sasha?" [b]Sasha:[/b] "I'll make you pay when the old guy isn't around."
"Sasha, you're being an even bigger hardass than I am!" [b]I chuckle, before standing her back up, keeping an arm on her shoulder.[/b]
[i]Everyone chuckles, except Sasha.[/i] [b]Sasha:[/b] "Eh, she deserves it." [b]Chuck:[/b] "Sasha, if you're wi-" [b]Sasha:[/b] "I'm sorry, but I have no time for a relationship." [b]Chuck:[/b] "I was just going to ask if you wanted to dance." [b]Sasha:[/b] "Eh, we can dance in a group."
[b]I chuckle again.[/b] "Sasha, you're great, and goddammit that's my favorite thing about ya. Hey, guys, wanna go grab some drinks? Need some more whiskey in me." [b]Frisky had snuck up behind me, and she jumped onto my back, grabbing me around the neck, hanging there, laughing.[/b]
[i]Iso jumps on Frisky's back in a similar fashion. Everyone laughs at the display.[/i]
[b]This included me and Frisky. She eventually climbed up my back, and onto my shoulder, deciding to half-sit, half-hang on my shoulder.[/b]
[i]Charlie walks up from behind you.[/i] [b]Charlie:[/b] "What's going on? Is this some sort of family activity for fun?"
"Frisky's just fûcking insane, and I don't know about Iso. Guess she just thinks it's funny. Doesn't bother me any. So, no, I don't think it's some sort of family activity. But I'll be damned if it isn't funny."
[i]Charlie walks around you.[/i] "How is this fun?"
"Eh, they're having fun. I don't know how, but they are. Hey, Iso, how is this fun to you?"
[i]Iso hasn't stopped laughing.[/i] "Because this is so stupid and pointless!"
Frisky: "I just like hanging off of people." Me: "Well there's your answer."
[i]Charlie shrugs and looks over at Chuck.[/i] [b]Charlie:[/b] "You only got away from that bar so Frisky would stop annoying you about not killing yourself, am I right." [b]Chuck:[/b] "Well...brother, this is why we don't get along."