Sunsingers, after the nerf, are the weakest and least used PvP subclass. They are only useful for self-rez during Trials and Raids. However, a good player does not need self-rez very often, so thus Sunsingers have a very low skill ceiling.
Sunsingers have always been a class that revolved around DoT (ignite). They were also designed to be more a support class. They also have options in their skill tree that are useless, unlike Stormcallers and Voidwalkers who have a multitude of builds. Below are a couple changes that could be made to the tree to make more options viable, as well as increasing the viability of Sunsingers in PvP.
Grenades and Movement stay the same.
-Radiance: In addition to current effects, Ignite all enemies in close proximity to you while in Radiance.
From this, enemies will be ignited and start to take DoT damage from being in close proximity to you. This effect can stack once every 1.5 seconds. This effect gives the super a little more power in close range. Sunsingers are very easy to shut down in close range, even by non-supered opponents. The only thing you have to worry about is their melee. This gives them a little more oomph.
-Song of Flame: Provides a flame shield for all allies within a certain range (except for yourself).
With this ability, it would be like having a bubble. Allies can enter a certain range and receive a flame shield, along with the provided cooldown reductions. This could save a team from a roaming super, or doom them all to a one-off (FoH, Nova), as it's basically an aura. The range of the shield and cooldown would probably be about the same range as a Fist of Havoc or Nova, so FoH or Nova can counter this easily and get a lot of points, but a roaming super will have difficulty against the buffed team.
-Radiant Skin and Fireborn stay the same (as they are already very useful).
-Flame Shield: Revert back to pre nerf activation speed.
-Solar Wind: In addition to knocking enemies back, deals more damage
Standard melee is about 122, so could increase damage to about 140. Plus burn would make it around 160, still weaker than Striker melee, for example, but still a viable alternative to Flame Shield.
-Brimstone: Hitting an enemy causes an explosion, doing damage to enemies in a radius around the target and Ignites them (similar to Striker's Dishcrage or Sunbreaker's Thermal Vent)
Ability Modifiers:
-Radiant Will stays the same.
-Viking Funeral: Ignited enemies deal continuous solar damage to other enemies around them.
Basically, it turns any enemy you Ignite into a Solar grenade (but does not Ignite them as well). Ignite does not last that long anymore, but this ability will now make it harder for Ignited targets to just run back to their allies lest they do extra damage to them.
-Sunburst: Enemies killed with any of your abilities and while in Radiance explode and Ignite enemies around them.
This turns an enemy you kill with abilities into a grenade. Explosion damage should not be too higher (70-90) as the Ignite will also cause them to take a little more damage. Would work very similar to Voidwalker's Bloom, except that enemies take damage and are ignited.
Ability Modifiers (cont):
-Touch of Flame stays the same.
-Angel of Light: In addition to hovering while ADS, if you are in Radiance while using Angel of Light, you can hover indefinitely (until Radiance runs out, or you stop ADSing). Doing so provides a +3 Recovery Bonus to yourself and allies within a certain radius.
This gives you a bit more of a support option as a Sunsinger. If combined with Song of Flame, for example, you could quickly heal your team and shield them from harm. And, if combined with Radiant will, you can provide a multitude of buffs for your team for a longer period of time.
-Gift of the Sun stays the same.
In addition to these changes, Purifier Robes should simply blind targets as long as Radiance is activated. It would have utility in PvE (buffing the team and making the enemy blind and unable to shoot). Blind should effect all targets within a proximity, OR targets looking directly at the Sunsinger when they use Radiance.
Space magic