Because you KNOW they were already made yet purposefully withheld the first time? Lol whatever you say man
And the majority of "new" exotic armor released with roi was just withheld armor from ttk. Idk why people get hyped with these "free" updates, its just content owed to us and long overdue.
Nothing was "owed" to us what so ever lol
Those 2 new guns are without a doubt, they were advertised on ttk trailer. Some roi exotic armor was in that trailer also. Paid content withheld = content owed Its not "free" when we get those paid for items later on via a "free" update.
I didn't realize that anything shown in any trailer ever means it MUST be in the finished product. That's news to me
Voidlord and Solorlord were in The Taken King trailers, same with the exotics that are in ROI now such as the Warlock Gauntlets and Boots, Hunters Gauntlets, etc.
Edited by the spicy one: 12/3/2016 11:45:35 PMWhat? It was in a trailer? Well that means it's going to be in the finished product for sure just like movie trailers ... Oh wait ...
But they weren't in TTK like they should've been. Go be a smart ass somewhere else if you can't discuss topics like a normal human being.
So again ... Because you see them briefly in a trailer means they were definite for TTK and "should have been there then and only then"? Lol
Nice to see somebody thats not a gullible idiot lol
Yeah did you see those perks? They were hilariously overpowered. They needed to make changes and stuff.