Only thing that could make this better is if in April, they announce VOG being remastered
Were taking steps with sekrion and VoG mechanics
His boss fight will use the aegis and ritual of negation, read the part in the post about strikes
So that people will still complain that we just got an old raid again...
I'm sure they'll bring back VoG and CE. I hope they introduce quests for the Vex and Necrochasm when they do. Make them hidden behind code like Outbreak Prime was.
You don't know what remaster means, do you?
With a Y3 Vex Mythoclast? Hell yeah.
If vog came into the mix; then maybe. Vog was the bomb..
Member vog? I member.....
along with an upcoming balance for weapons, classes and gear i am just about certain that reworked old raids is the last thing they will implement just to hold us over until destiny 2. most likely will also get more year one and year 2 guns brought forward.
It's coming fo
That would be great!