...by a guy who has a .8 overall in crucible.
Let's fight over patrol kd. Yyyyyeeeeesssssss?
Going to love all the "Your PvE K/D is shit and that makes your opinion invalid" rebuttals.
But people will [i]still[/i] try to discredit my opinions about PvE balance by bringing up my crucible stats.
why can't that be a thing? I mean pvpers are elitist about their pvp kd, so it's fair that pver's do it over pve kd. [i]but pve is sooo easy compared to pvp[/i] for some sure. but i keep reading "pvp is so easy" threads, on top of that both pve and pvp stats can be farmed. pvp you just join on a lower friend and pubstomp. pve you do patrol/ take longer on strikes to kill patrol enimies. on top of that why can pvp players say "oh my pve kd is low because I like to mess around" but then look down on lower pvp kds for saying the same? hell most people agree if you don't play the meta your at a disadvantage and most people who either have bad luck or just joined are gonna get destroyed and have their kd ruined right from the get go. Then get looked down on for their kd. teleporting red bars, weaker primaries, bad match making all that gets ignored to show how superior some one is. for the record I'm sure I'm a below 1 kd. I played pvp when thorn, tlw, spear, max shotguns were the meta. I got destroyed over and over because I didn't have those guns. my kd is better than what it would have been if I didn't get the red death near the end. in pve your gonna run into kill hogs who can run the strike with their eyes closed, or patrol farmers who start a strike only to sit back and get easy kills. and even speed runners who just want the boss rewards. why should those be looked down on but crucible be upheld? do I blame meta users? no. whether it's pve or pvp I'm here to play and have fun. not measure my self worth against a set of numbers.
PvE ratios took a pounding after TTK, when Bungie 'man-upped' the minions.
.69 in pvp. 20.22 in strikes. I'm ready!
-blam!- strike K/D. I'm the kind of guy that will go melee only just for shits and giggles. Why? Because why the -blam!- not...
I like going into strikes with trash exotics and seeing how bad they are
Oh shit, now i'll be kicked in stikes.... wait, it's matchmaking, nobody can kick me :)
And what if I farmed the Undying Mind over 210 times with the Dragons Breath method?
Dude if your strike kd is shit you are garbage at the game, no lie. How can you be bad at PvE?
Orrrr diiiiiieeeeeee -Variks
Imagine patrol pvp...
PvE stats matter like the points on Whose line...
Love my PvE KD
Now I regret attempting the saber glitch....
It'll bleed into raid requirements.