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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Will: 12/4/2016 10:03:40 PM
[i]Undisclosed Location[/i] "Dammit Specter get her in there!" Ghost screamed at the medic of Vanish Squad, Specter, who had Eve in his arms as they sprinted down a long, white hallway lit by fluorescent halogens. Ghost had ordered the rest of the team to get the hell out, while Ghost ran with Specter to the nearest operating room. Specter, was the only reason she was still alive. Eve, was not a pretty sight to say the least. After the squad's encounter with Lucien Farcòn and Desmond Galloway, Lucien had left her in pieces..literally. She was missing her right arm and leg, the stumps blackened to a char, her body was covered in third degree burns, some spots blackened by cobalt fire, even the hair on her head had been burnt from her scalp. She was unconscious, and the only reason she wasn't dead, was for Specter's holding her in a suspended stasis with his temporal abilities. It was why he was their medic; he could suspended someone's body in a temporal stasis to keep them from dying, along with being able to speed up the body's healing abilities. Which he'd already done...Eve's body couldn't regenerate limbs. They burst through a set of double doors, swinging open as Ghost screamed orders to doctors and Specter got her to the operating table. "Keep her alive! I don't care what you have to do, just keep her alive!" Ghost yelled at the doctors, who immediately complied. Not only was it their job to rescue lives, but they knew who Ghost was. Or, they knew of him. And they were more than obliged to listen. Some ushered Specter and Ghost out, while others got to work on Eve, crowding around her with anesthetics, surgery tools, and shiny pieces of metal.. Several hours later... Ghost was the only one in the waiting room, elbows resting on his knees and head in his hands. The other's had gone away to actually get some sleep or do something better with their time. Unlike Ghost, they knew sitting and worrying would do Eve no good. They'd come back once they got news, which would only take any one of them a few seconds. Ghost was jolted to awareness as a doctor came through a door, green scrubs decorated with dried bloodstains, a worried expression on his face. On both of their faces. "She's alive." The doctor said, and Ghost didn't breathe a sigh of relief yet. He knew by the doctors face it wasn't a happy matter. "But..she's far from what she used to be. We had to take drastic measures to keep her alive.." (Closed.) ~~~~ [i]Dojo Woods[/i] Desmond enjoyed the was simple. No one there except for himself and his thoughts. His thoughts, in particular, were geared towards the monster currently inside of him, courtesy of Lucien Farcòn. He'd asked for it. He didn't want to die, even if he could come back. He wasn't paying that price again, especially when it could have been Chloe. But the Black Ram.. He'd been practicing, devouring different animals. Wolves, foxes, birds, even a bear. The Ram within him agreed heavily at his use of it's power, but the Ka'kari wasn't too keen on it. "Desmond, why are you gonna goad this thing, when you know damn well its malevolent in it's very nature?" It spoke inside his head, clearly pissed with him. Unlike the Ka'kari, the Ram wasn't sentient in nature, but the Ka'kari could still feel it was sharing space with this new entity within Desmond. And he didn't like it's presence. Because Lucien told me I'd have to, unless I wanted myself devoured, Desmond thought to himself, and by extension, the Ka'kari. He could feel this monster wanting out, but it was suppressed by food. Desmond had to admit, the abilities it gave him were beyond useful, but they felt..wrong. (Open.)

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  • "You know parasitic monsters that keep you alive aren't a good idea." A male voice says. He sounded young, there was no source of the voice, it mostly sounded like it was coming from everywhere, all the trees speaking to him.

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  • "What?" [i] Desmond spoke up, rather irritated. He was already having a bad day, he didn't need disembodied voices giving him life lessons.[/i]

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  • Edited by cyberattaq: 12/7/2016 12:57:47 PM
    The voice took form in front of him farther ahead. A man, young, was leaning against a tree. He had chocolate brown hair and ice blue eyes, with that an extremely handsome face. "Hello Desmond."

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  • Edited by Will: 12/8/2016 1:44:51 PM
    "Yes. Exactly what i need, people appearing and annoying me for no good reason." [i] Desmond said in an exasperated tone.[/i] "Who are you?"

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  • "Ryker. Ryker Evans. Owner of Evans Arms Manufacturing. That doesn't matter though. What does matter, is you." He stands up from leaning, pointing at him. "We aren't so different Desmond. I could sense it miles away."

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  • [b]Chloe had never been a stealthy person, but even now she wasn't trying to make a quiet approach. The soles of her feet pushed across the leaves and moss of the forest as she approached Desmond, sporting her old [url=]royal attire.[/url] she carried a somber and cold presence despite the gentle smile across her lips. The black robe covered her in all the areas that counted, showing her light blue skin.[/b] [i]"Nice day to relax... I've become good at finding you."[/i] [b]Her tone was brisk and distant, like she wanted to be anywhere but this exact spot. Something was on her mind, and wearing down on her... She had to get it off her chest.[/b]

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  • "What do you want Chloe?" [i] He said bluntly, not even bothering to look at her. That was Desmond..jaded and distant. He seemed especially so today he had something weighing him down, an impossible weight he couldn't shake. He was tired of her. Well, not exactly, more like tired of how she made him feel. He didn't like the thought of having someone who could be used against him. Or giving her any kind of power like that. He'd nearly died because he went storming off into the woods to shoot something because she'd annoyed him, And now he has something that was little more than a demon inside of him. [/i]

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  • [i]"I came to say goodbye... If what you have said holds water, I will be returning to my home."[/i] [b]She fell silent, not sure if she should say more. Her feet shuffled uncomfortably, her hands folded neatly behind her back. Her gaze not even landing on Desmond. She wasn't sure if it was anger, or shame... But it didn't matter. With his personality, she figured it would be an easy goodbye.[/b] [i]"I wish you the best."[/i]

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  • "It's for the best." [i] He said plainly, that same stone mask over his face as ever, even though it sent a dagger through his heart. He was poisonous to someone like her, someone filled with good and hopes of creation, where all he'd been made for was death and destruction. Things could go back to how they were, him, alone, and with no ropes he could hang himself with. Or hang anyone else. [/i]

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  • [b]Chloe wanted to say more, but she knew there was no trying with Desmond. He was something like a constricting coil, sucking away at her hope... And without her hope... She was nothing. Or at least it felt that way.[/b] [i]"Goodbye, Desmond..."[/i] [b]She mumbled quietly, her eyes downcast.[/b]

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  • "I almost died yesterday, Chloephina." [i] He said, looking at her for the first time. He said it so bluntly, but there was a great amount of regret in his voice, and sadness. But he couldn't die, right? He'd just be brought back, if she believed the Ka'kari from their first conversation. [/i]

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  • [b]Silence for a moment, then, the sound of her feet padding close as she sat next to him. Her face was still hidden by her hood, and her words seemed pained... But she made it her goal to help those in pain, even if they were suffering internally.[/b] [i]"Want to talk about it...?"[/i]

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  • "Yes..I do." [i] He said quietly. What the hell was he doing? He'd just resolved himself to being poisonous to her, and agreeing it was a good idea if she left, for the both of them. So why was he keeping her there?[/i] [quote]Because you care for her.[/quote] "Do you know of a man, named Lucien Farcòn here, in the Dojo?" [i] He asked, his dark eyes less like abysses and more like melted, somehow. [/i]

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  • [i]"Can't say I do..."[/i] [b]She lifted her head slightly, listening to sound of birdsong that carried in the forest. She was a good listener, whether it be with Desmond or the forest... But she wouldn't be talking much. Her words still felt faulty.[/b] [b]She tucked her knees to her chest, the blue skin of her right leg visible as dark blue lines traveled across the surface. The color coincided with emotion... And now, Chloe was nothing but weary and sad. For both Desmond, and her inability to really help him.[/b]

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  • "Well. He's an alright guy. We were having a friendly conversation when we were ambushed by a kill squad looking for someone we both know." [i] He said. He held out a hand, an oily black substance seeping through his skin until it formed a rune covered [url=]orb[/url]. The Black Ka'kari. It practically radiated magic, definitely not of this world. Or any other Ones by the feel of it. [/i]

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  • [b]Chloe seemed confused, more because of the kill squad's reasoning. They were after Desmond's orb... An entire kill squad.[/b] [i]"But you don't look wounded... Or harmed in the slightest."[/i] [b]Chloe still hadn't moved her gaze back to Desmond, but she knew when someone had the voice of wellness.[/b]

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  • "They were after a man named Lance, and me and thus Lucien Farcòn tried to fight them off. And failed." [i] Desmond lifted his shirt rather shamelessly, revealing a back filled with corded muscle. But what stood out were six scars, three vertically on each side of his spine. From the scars were smaller ones that spiderwebbed out an inch or so, like whatever had been thrust into his back tried to take root there.[/i] "Six knives were put into my back while I fought a man with a magical artifact, a Ka'kari like mine." [i] Desmond snarled in irritation, dropping his shirt. [/i]

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  • [i]"How has it healed so fast? This Lucien man must be a healer."[/i] [b]Chloe glanced at the wounds for a moment, before averting her eyes once again. The warmth wasn't there... But there was still concern.[/b] [b]Perhaps the most surprising part was this Lucien character... Logically, if Desmond was here he either won the fight or got away... And in both scenarios he would have had great help, or had been fighting really dumb enemies. The former seemed more likely. You didn't get into a kill squad by being bad.[/b]

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  • Edited by Will: 12/9/2016 1:06:30 AM
    "The Ka'kari healed them over, and what Lucien did for me helped. The scars will still be there, which isn't normal. The knives he stuck me with, weren't normal." [i]Desmond said with a grimace. He'd end up getting a back piece to cover them. He didn't believe in that "wear your scars proudly" bullshit. They were a flashing sign of weakness, and he thought they were ugly, plain and simple. [/i] "Do you remember what the price of the Ka'kari bringing me back to life is, Chloephina?" [i] Desmond asked, turning his eyes to her once more. It seemed he knew about the conversation she'd had with his artifact. Not a lot escaped him.[/i]

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  • [i]"You lose someone important to you."[/i] [b]She had figured as much. Desmond was a steel trap. As far as she knew, he read minds. He had that kind of presence. Cold and distant, yet always watchful. If he was a building, she swore he would have been a watchtower for a prison.[/b] [b]She rested her chin against her knees, closing her eyes as she returned to her silence. She'd make sure to only say what she needed.[/b]

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  • "I'm almost out of people I love." [i] That was new, he actually cared about someone other than himself. [/i] "So instead of dying, I let Lucien put a monster inside of me." [i] He held up a hand, his arm from his elbow down turning into a writhing mass of black tentacles, but changing back just as fast. It was clear he was disgusted by it.[/i] "It kept me alive, but now I have to live with something sharing my body for the rest of my life." [i] He said quietly. He wasn't looking for pity, he was just stating it.[/i]

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  • [i]"I'm sure it will serve a purpose. All things do."[/i] [b]There wasn't much more she could say to comfort him. She couldn't take away his problems... Especially not this... Thing.[/b] [i]"I suppose it will be something you find strength in, even if you don't want to. Best to come out a better person."[/i]

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  • "Yeah. Probably." [i] He said, turning away from her and standing back up, the Ka'kari draining back into his palm, practically melting through his skin soundlessly. [/i] "Hope you have a good time home. Bring it back to what it once was." [i] He says plainly. It was almost like he didn't care she was leaving. He certainly gave that impression. If she only knew..[/i]

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  • [i]"Yes... Well. I'll do what must be done."[/i] [b]With a slight chill passing over her, Chloe rose to her feet, clovers and grass cradling her bare feet as a black formation appeared before, which she quickly grabbed. Her umbrella. Her safe spot away from everything else. She quickly unfolded the device as the long black curtain fell around her, hiding her from sight. All that remained was the faint, dark blue glow of lines that began to swirl around her, taking up her entire silhouette... Strange... They had always been green... And usually only stayed on her arms and legs... But now, they seemed to move across her like geometrical raindrops...[/b] [i]"I hope you find happiness one of these days."[/i] [b]And with that, she moved off, slipping away into the forest, not exactly like a ghost, considering she wasn't exactly silent... But just quiet enough that she could have been mistaken for a small animal.[/b]

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  • [quote]You.. made him happy.[/quote] [i] She hears in her head, that same lilting, almost lazy tone of the Ka'kari invading her thoughts one more time.[/i] [quote]He doesn't want you to leave, but he believes himself poisonous to you. A creature bred for death and destruction, infecting someone full of promise and life like you. He doesn't think he's worthy of it. [/quote] [i] The Ka'kari says quietly within her thoughts. It didn't mention the fact that Desmond's feelings were of great concern to it. After all, it shared a life force with him. They were one and the same. But if Chloe had turned around, her mysterious, brooding, and emptiness filled bodyguard had disappeared, like he'd done so many times before, and was all too used to it..[/i]

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