I was really hoping SRL would actually stay in it's own matchmaking playlist and not this private match bullshit.
Bungie knows how to play their consumers. They know how much backlash they got from Festival of the Cost but they don't give a shit as long as they get more money.
Can't blame them for that though, but at least have some -blam!-ing respect for us. Instead they go and add an entire armor set behind a pay wall.
Dude, if you want to race, go and buy a f*cking racing game. Making SRL permanent would split the already low playerbase even more.
Dude, if you're that salty don't buy anything. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and saying that you have to buy in. So, you know, don't.
That's not the point. The point is why even have an armor set behind a pay wall? When it shouldn't have to.
I get what you're saying but I just don't think you're looking at it impassively. Does that armor set look cool enough to pay for? For some, yes. For me? I stopped giving a shit a year and a half ago. I just play now. I'm a filthy casual. Come over to the dark side, it's much less stressful.
Dat snowglobe looking helm though huh. Looks cool
What armour do we have to buy a box of RNG in the hope of getting...?
The Dawning themed armor is aquired through Dawning packages. Confirmed via the Destiny instagram.
For fück sake, same bullshit as The Taken King with that Taken Armour Set, bungie kills my soul...!
Yes except those packages will probably only be here up until SRL is over. Which is so -blam!-ed up.
Which is a nasty tactic, it will cause people to panic buy the boxes in the hope of completing the set, horrible from bungie if this is the case...!