originally posted in:The New Dojo
*I keep walking, continuing to carry you.*
[u][b]Only a couple more blocks away...[/b][/u]
[spoiler]I really don't know how to feel. I prided myself on never being banned or even warned. I try to be as friendly as I can unless someone legitimately doesn't deserve it to me...[/spoiler]
"Thanks for this Vorim. It was nice." i say, smiling.
[u][b]No problem Quincy.[/b][/u] *He says, smiling back.*
"Have you paid yet or do we still have to do that before we leave?"
[u][b]I've already paid, it's all good.[/b][/u]
"M'kay. So..home?"
[u][b]Sure, after you.[/b][/u] *He motions to the door.*
He opens the door and walks out, holding the door open. "Soo, how far back is it again? If its too far i can just use a TP stone."
[u][b]A TP stone? What's that?[/b][/u]
"TP is short for teleport. I got them from a friend a while back."
[u][b]Oh. Well then let's use that.[/b][/u]
"M'kay." he says as he puts his hand on Vorim's shoulder. Once he does so they're immediately in Vorim's apartment. "Poof! Now we're here!"
[u][b]Whoa![/b][/u] *He looks around.* [u][b]Huh... It's just like Sphirinian teleportation... Except I'm not temporarily blinded...[/b][/u]
"Yup! But i only have like 30 of these left."
[u][b]Hmm, maybe you should just save the rest for emergencies then.[/b][/u]
"Well, i can always go back to where i get them from, but itll take a while."
[u][b]Well, lets just save them for now.[/b][/u]
"Yeah, that's logical. I'll spring for getting some more later."
[u][b]Alright. Now, we should probably get to cleaning ourselves up.[/b][/u]
He chuckles. "Yeah, my fur hasn't been this messy since i decided to hunt my own dinner down once. Emu's are harder to catch than you'd think.."
*He bursts out laughing.* [u][b]Y-You tried catching an emu?[/b][/u]
He smiles smugly. "Well yeah. It was delicious."
[u][b]Heh, I bet it was for someone of your height to be attempting that...[/b][/u] *He giggles teasingly, patting Quincy on the head, before leading him to the kitchen and starting to get some paper towels wet.*
He giggles, walking into the kitchen. "So, paper towels then?"
[u][b]Oh, paper towels and water isn't enough...[/b][/u] *He slices a potato in half.*
"What's the potato for?" he asks, tilting his head.