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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/6/2016 1:33:45 AM

[u][i]"...Socialization."[/i][/u] [u][i]Dojoville, Random Café[/i][/u] [i][u]1:31 PM, Tuesday[/u][/i] [u][i]Irina S. Eilizia[/i][/u] [i]As the snow fell from the grey skies and covered the concrete streets of the city of Dojoville, civilians bristled into the buildings that lined the streets of the large town, cars and trucks passing through as the masses carried onwards with their daily lives, the ice freezing over windows and the earth itself. It was a regular day, really - and Irina absolutely hated it. [/i] [i]Sitting idly outside of a café whole checking a light silver pendant that also served as a watch, Irina sighed, her breath fading away into the air as more snow fell from the skies. She was completely unharmed, and not exactly in the mood for any sort of combat at all. Wrapped around her thin body was her classic dark leather longcoat, with a white thread buttoned up shirt underneath that, a handkerchief protruding from the neckpiece of the outfit itself. A dark, well-mannered cape was draped over Irina's left shoulder, probably to signify some sort of importance, or possibly for style. Leather gauntlets and wool boots hide away her hands and feet, concealing them from the cold in similar fashion to the leather fabric pants she wore alongside the outfit. And, to top off Irina's signature outfit - a black tricorne hat, the feather of a pure white pigeon protruding from the back of it. [/i] [i]Irina was currently waiting outside, as after an intense argument with the manager, she wasn't allowed inside, as she would have "scared away customers". Instead, she was waiting for her waiter to come around with a warm cup of hot coffee outside, a frozen umbrella above her head as she sat at a black iron table, Irina herself taking up one of the four chairs. She hoped that someone - anyone, from that psychotic Russian Jason to the augmented cowboy John "JT" (She personally refused to call him John.), to the famed Deity, or perhaps even Quincy. Irina didn't mind at all who came around, but she wasn't going to be starting shit up.[/i] ((Open for some social interaction with everyone's favorite Vileblood.)) ((I'd prefer if it remains social, to be honest.)) ((Unfortunately, no shit will be pulled. ._. Let's just get going.))

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  • [i]"Yeah, it's an aug, custom thing that only my store does. Unfortunately nobody knows just how good it is and everyone goes to secondhand shit." [/i]

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    [u]"Wonder if I could get something like that...Eh, I'm too poor to afford it."[/u] [i]Irina was poor as hell, really. Yes, I ran a currency system with her, so she has a select amount of money at the moment.[/i]

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  • [i]"Yeah, I rarely give augs for free nowadays." That was a truth, JT only did certain things free. He supplied plastic limbs and new skin for free, but that was all. [/i]

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    [u]"Doubt I could afford it. 'Less you'd trade, but then again I have nothing that would really be of worth."[/u] [i]Irina hated not being able to pay for things, especially things that could save her life. Yes, she had a darksaber and Grant's pistol, which was basically the biggest -blam!- you to anyone with armor, but still.[/i]

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  • [i]JT did trades, but it would have to be something he'd get a lot of use out of. And considering his old acquaintances and allies hooked him up, he didn't need much. "Eh, augs aren't for certain people. Some prefer biologic enhancements." [/i]

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    [u]"I guess I'd be more of an augmentation person. If y'know - I could afford them."[/u] [i]Irina chuckled to herself, crossing her arms as she looked at JT with a smirk on her face.[/i] [u]"Biological enhancements, as in...?" [/u]

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  • [i]"Extra muscles in the body, denser bones, that sort of thing." JT had dabbled in the arts of bioscience before on some willing test subjects, but he only understood how to do the most basic of things when it came down to it. [/i]

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    [u]"I mean, I could probably put some of that to use. Extra muscles...Would give me more strength when I swung my sword."[/u] [i]Irina smirked at the thought, although she figured she had enough strength to properly use her weaponry. It wasn't all about strength to her, really.[/i]

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  • [i]"Yeah, they're useful. Extra muscles in the legs make ya faster, extra muscles in the arms bolster strength, you get the gist." "So, what do you do around this place for fun?"[/i]

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    [u]"Fun? Excuse you. This place is not"[/u] [i]Irina smirked a little - before actually replying to JT in a less sarcastic manner.[/i] [u]"Honestly, there isn't much to do that's really fun around here. I can't get you drunk, so that's a hopeless cause. I'm genuinely hated wherever I go, and honestly that's understandable. So yeah. You?"[/u]

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  • [i]"Oh I'm done here. I have other frontiers to explore, space is my Wild West." [/i]

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    [u]"Hey; I don't blame ya. Then again, I sorta did take Grant's place as Ranger...obviously not through murder. He promoted me...retired recently."[/u]

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  • [i]"Really? Good for that dude. I'm just here for my girl and my shop, so once they go or Char agrees to come, I'm dipping."[/i]

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    [u]"Heh. I'd leave if it wasn't for Athena and the NCR, so it looks like we're in a semi-close situation. Those two things...they're the only things that I guess you could say...hold me back. Changed me, even."[/u]

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  • [i]"Aye, that's a good thing." JT soon looked down at his right forearm's bottom side and pulled his sleeve to his elbow momentarily, tapping away at it before standing. "Well Irina, I best be off. Good luck with your people issue." That said, the Marshal walked off without another word. [/i]

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  • [b]A hooded man enters and sits down. When the waitress comes, all he orders is a water. When he takes off his hood, however, Irina sees the Garin imposter- Dmitri Ivashkov. When he notices you looking at him, he just smiles.[/b]

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    [i]Irina only silently stared at the Russian man, emotionless and eerily quiet, ignoring the waitress who had set down a cup of hot chocolate on the table for Irina. Finally, Irina spoke.[/i] [u]"...So. I thought I already told you that I'm not helping you."[/u]

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  • I know. I just thought we should see each other again before I destroy this place.

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    [u]"With what, a couple of AK's? I'm terrified."[/u] [i]Irina smirked, leaning back in her iron chair as she kept her grin up. She obviously underestimated him.[/i]

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  • Well, that, and an entire fleet of spacecraft, much bigger than Treyman's. And with a 500 kiloton bomb, yes. That should do the trick. [b]He smiles.[/b] See you around. [b]He got up, not paying for his drink.[/b] [i]Hey! You've gotta pay for tha-[/i] [b]With a wave of his hand, the man yelling at him fell to the ground, dead.[/b] [spoiler]next post end[/spoiler]

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  • *While she hoped to get someone everyone liked, Mortar strolls up next to her, hoping to spark something up* Hey Irina. You okay? It's freezing out here

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    [i]Eh. Irina still hates Quincy somewhat.[/i] [u]"Hmm? Oh. I'll be fine; I've been in much colder places."[/u] [i]Irina had dealt with much, much colder places than Dojoville, such as Cainhurst Castle, which she had resided in for years, and yet she completely abandoned it.[/i] [u]"Wanna chat for a bit? I could get you some coffee, or hot coco."[/u]

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  • Oh, no thanks. I had some cocoa a little while ago. *He smiles slightly at her offer* So, how've you been?

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    [u]"Good, good. Planning for the holidays, evading crazed civilians...the usual, really. What about you?"[/u] [i]Irina hadn't been too busy over the passing weeks - she had hung around with Athena, gotten drunk a couple of times...the usual for her.[/i]

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  • Well, kinda the same thing with me. Except I've been talking with Cyan and Crossbow, apparently Cross was kidnapped by some cult

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