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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/6/2016 1:33:45 AM

[u][i]"...Socialization."[/i][/u] [u][i]Dojoville, Random Café[/i][/u] [i][u]1:31 PM, Tuesday[/u][/i] [u][i]Irina S. Eilizia[/i][/u] [i]As the snow fell from the grey skies and covered the concrete streets of the city of Dojoville, civilians bristled into the buildings that lined the streets of the large town, cars and trucks passing through as the masses carried onwards with their daily lives, the ice freezing over windows and the earth itself. It was a regular day, really - and Irina absolutely hated it. [/i] [i]Sitting idly outside of a café whole checking a light silver pendant that also served as a watch, Irina sighed, her breath fading away into the air as more snow fell from the skies. She was completely unharmed, and not exactly in the mood for any sort of combat at all. Wrapped around her thin body was her classic dark leather longcoat, with a white thread buttoned up shirt underneath that, a handkerchief protruding from the neckpiece of the outfit itself. A dark, well-mannered cape was draped over Irina's left shoulder, probably to signify some sort of importance, or possibly for style. Leather gauntlets and wool boots hide away her hands and feet, concealing them from the cold in similar fashion to the leather fabric pants she wore alongside the outfit. And, to top off Irina's signature outfit - a black tricorne hat, the feather of a pure white pigeon protruding from the back of it. [/i] [i]Irina was currently waiting outside, as after an intense argument with the manager, she wasn't allowed inside, as she would have "scared away customers". Instead, she was waiting for her waiter to come around with a warm cup of hot coffee outside, a frozen umbrella above her head as she sat at a black iron table, Irina herself taking up one of the four chairs. She hoped that someone - anyone, from that psychotic Russian Jason to the augmented cowboy John "JT" (She personally refused to call him John.), to the famed Deity, or perhaps even Quincy. Irina didn't mind at all who came around, but she wasn't going to be starting shit up.[/i] ((Open for some social interaction with everyone's favorite Vileblood.)) ((I'd prefer if it remains social, to be honest.)) ((Unfortunately, no shit will be pulled. ._. Let's just get going.))

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  • [u][b]Im not attacking you or trying trying to be an a$$ when I say this, but maybe it's because of what you've done? My whole family wasn't very religious, but Sketch, Sapphire but I try to... Well [i]Sketch and I[/i] try to be the best to people we can be, as long as we feel they deserve it...[/b][/u]

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    [u]"Maybe? Marcia's not religious either. Well, she's got her whole Raid thing going on, and...well, she wants to build a church for him, but still."[/u] [i]Irina knew that for the past few days, Marcia had been worshipping a deity, one that she called "Raidriar". It creeped Irina out significantly, especially after things that Marcia told her.[/i]

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  • [u][b]What? What are you talking about?[/b][/u] *He suddenly sounds concerned.*

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    [u]"Marcia's planning on building a church for a god that murdered quadrillions of people? Apparently, she really, REALLY respects him. Writing a Braille book and everything. How does she write, though...I guess she types it?"[/u]

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  • [u][b]Irina... This can NOT be good.[/b][/u] *His ears tilt back as his tone somehow gets even more serious than it already was.*

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    [u]"What's so bad about it? It's a church. I mean - it would be really bad if she summoned the guy, but still."[/u] [i]Irina didn't seem to nervous about the situation at all. It was a church - plus Marcia had said that Raid was loving and kind, and "more than willing to care and love his faithful followers",[/i]

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  • [u][b]And what if she does? She shouldn't be building a church for someone like that...[/b][/u]

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    [u]"Hey. It's her choice to do so. Maybe he's really nice? Maybe he's willing to protect people? Only one way to find out, y'know? Look, I'm not saying that I support her choices, but I'm not gonna force her to change her ways. And that's that. There have been cults 'n shit around here before anyway; remember that Sithis shit? Tell me he wasn't horrible."[/u]

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  • [u][b]Wait, what???[/b][/u]

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 12/6/2016 1:20:55 PM
    [spoiler]No. He was shot way after his intro.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]shot by Grant, if i may add that. Yet Iriana has more beef with Q? Not salty, im kinda laughing at it.[/spoiler]

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    [spoiler]She's working for Grant. Lol.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]i know.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Hm. The short version is never any fun... Jk. ill shut up now[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Hisssk![/spoiler]

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  • Quincy (normal Q) could be seen walking down the street towards the cafe. He smiled as he saw Irina, hoping they were still on good terms.

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    [i]While Irina had heard stuff about Quincy being female from a friend (The friend being Marcia, and even then, they didn't hang around with each other that much.), Irina didn't mind Quincy's presence. She had gotten over some things - although she was still particularly angry about what had happened to Ghiaccio.[/i] [u]"Hey, Q. Mind sitting down, chatting for a bit?"[/u] [i]Irina pulled a chair out for Quincy, as if...inviting him.[/i]

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  • "Sure thing. Not doing much today anyway." he said, a little bit of cheer in his voice. He sat down, crossing his legs and putting his hands in his hoodie pocket. "Whatcha need?" he asked, tilting his head. The way he said it made it sound like he meant he was open to a conversation.

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    [u]"Just wanting to talk with someone. Nothing too interesting going on. Plus, I...well. Owe you an apology."[/u] [i]Irina sighed, shaking her head as she closed her light blue eyes, the pupils as cold as the ice itself. And yet, she was being genuine about the apology.[/i] [i]Which may have brought up the question...why was Irina being so nice all of the sudden?[/i]

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  • He exhaled through his nose, thinking about how to react. "Thanks. I mean, i didnt hold anything against you happened.. but i feel like i should apologize as well.. Ive heard that i got a close friend of yours hurt pretty bad and..." He stops talking, his eyes looking a little watery.

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    [u]"Yeah. Ghiaccio, he...Yeah."[/u] [i]Irina proceeded to sigh in shame once more - Ghiaccio had been hurt so many times, and one of the occasions was her fault in general. The was Vorim that did the deed.[/i]

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  • He sighs, wiping his eyes. "S-so any way,uh, what brings you here?" he asked, in a friendly but still shaky tone.

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    [u]"Oh, nothing much. Boring day, really."[/u] [i]Irina simply poked at Quincy's hand for no reason at all.[/i] [u]"Make sure to tell Vorim that I touched you. It's about something he told me; threatened to murder me, heh."[/u]

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  • He chuckled. "Yeaaahh... i don't wanna cause trouble so ill just keep it to myself. So, uh, why'd you just leave me in that tree again?" [spoiler]im mentioning a post you didnt reply to.[/spoiler]

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    [u]"...Was still angry over shit, I...I'm sorry. For being a complete bitch, for...for attempting to kill you, for...the murders...I'm sorry for it all."[/u] [i]An eerie silence fell over the two as Irina finished her quiet rant, beginning to stare off into the snow. Images of death swirled in her head - even as she attempted to block them out, they still kept coming.[/i]

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