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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/6/2016 1:33:45 AM

[u][i]"...Socialization."[/i][/u] [u][i]Dojoville, Random Café[/i][/u] [i][u]1:31 PM, Tuesday[/u][/i] [u][i]Irina S. Eilizia[/i][/u] [i]As the snow fell from the grey skies and covered the concrete streets of the city of Dojoville, civilians bristled into the buildings that lined the streets of the large town, cars and trucks passing through as the masses carried onwards with their daily lives, the ice freezing over windows and the earth itself. It was a regular day, really - and Irina absolutely hated it. [/i] [i]Sitting idly outside of a café whole checking a light silver pendant that also served as a watch, Irina sighed, her breath fading away into the air as more snow fell from the skies. She was completely unharmed, and not exactly in the mood for any sort of combat at all. Wrapped around her thin body was her classic dark leather longcoat, with a white thread buttoned up shirt underneath that, a handkerchief protruding from the neckpiece of the outfit itself. A dark, well-mannered cape was draped over Irina's left shoulder, probably to signify some sort of importance, or possibly for style. Leather gauntlets and wool boots hide away her hands and feet, concealing them from the cold in similar fashion to the leather fabric pants she wore alongside the outfit. And, to top off Irina's signature outfit - a black tricorne hat, the feather of a pure white pigeon protruding from the back of it. [/i] [i]Irina was currently waiting outside, as after an intense argument with the manager, she wasn't allowed inside, as she would have "scared away customers". Instead, she was waiting for her waiter to come around with a warm cup of hot coffee outside, a frozen umbrella above her head as she sat at a black iron table, Irina herself taking up one of the four chairs. She hoped that someone - anyone, from that psychotic Russian Jason to the augmented cowboy John "JT" (She personally refused to call him John.), to the famed Deity, or perhaps even Quincy. Irina didn't mind at all who came around, but she wasn't going to be starting shit up.[/i] ((Open for some social interaction with everyone's favorite Vileblood.)) ((I'd prefer if it remains social, to be honest.)) ((Unfortunately, no shit will be pulled. ._. Let's just get going.))

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  • Edited by Pamhakat: 12/7/2016 7:57:46 PM
    He tilted his head, helping block some of the images. (read the bio. Q is sightly telepathic). "Its ok, really. People have done worse to me. Anyway, when you left me in the tree you kinda missed a surprise."

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    [u]"...R-Right. What happened...?"[/u] [i]The woman sounded...more different, really. Almost saddened about the the entire affair. Her face had almost become paler than before, even.[/i]

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  • "Ok ok, so try not to go too crazy." he said with an excited smile. He held a menu in front of him for a few seconds, and when he took it down, he had two lumps in his hoodie, and his face looked sleeker. "What do you think?" she said, smiling excitedly.

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    [u]"...You can...change your own gender?"[/u] [i]Irina's eyes widened, as if she was very, very confused about the situation.[/i] [u]"...HOLD ON. THAT'S...what?! How is that...I mean, I've never met...What?!"[/u] [i]In short, she was too confused to even form a proper sentence; Irina didn't exactly know of what a transgender was, much less a herm, so she was heavily confused as Quincy suddenly turned into a female.[/i]

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  • He/she laughed. "Ok, so im not technically female right now. Did i ever get to tell you how I became...well, me?" She crossed her arms, waiting for her response, chuckling to herself.

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    [u]"No, you haven't. So why the...w-what?"[/u] [i]Irina was beyond confused at this point - because when the guy you were just chatting with suddenly grew breasts, people panicked, especially Irina because she had no idea about herms.[/i]

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  • "Ok, ill give you the short version. Back way when, a long time ago sometime, i was on earth. I used to be a normal, average, non-interesting arctic fox. Then one day i got kid-napped by some scientists and they made me into something else. That something else being an anthropoorphic hermaphrodite, or herm, for short. Their original purpose for me was for me to..well..make more little me's if you get the idea. One day, conveniently after all their tests had been concluded, something bad happened there and i escaped. While i was there, they did something to me that allows me to...uh, how to i put this, change gender at will? Yeah, thats it. Every winter i'll go into heat for a few weeks or something and im stuck as female for that time. Make sense?"

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    [u]"...Yeah. Sure."[/u] [i]Irina still didn't understand the entire thing, although she acted like she did. Well, she understood some of it - she was still confused about the entire matter.[/i] [u]"Wonder if a human could do that...huh."[/u]

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  • Q shrugs. "I don't know if there's any other thing like me out there. I mean, if i got out, maybe some others did too. I've tried looking into it but i only ever found a file on me, which i have somewhere safe.."

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