originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]Chuck just stands there, waiting for Alpha. Charlotte steps back.[/i]
That was okay. Slots situated at his wrists began to glow and three foot long sabers formed from them (Nano-blade style), and he stabbed at her, using their length to cover the distance he was crying the whole time.....like it wasn't just for his sister he was doing this anymore
[i]Charlotte sighed and easily dodged the thrusts. She sweeps Alpha's legs.[/i] "You're going to learn that you never fight me without a gun."
Actually, you just kick metal, and he stomps your foot with his own prosthetic "You want a gun?" He sliced at you with a saber "Too afriad to fight at your own game?"
[i]Charlotte easily lifts her foot up from your stomp and a photon shield blocks the saber.[/i] "You're cute, but why attack me? I've done nothing wrong."