Picked up Just Cause 3 during PSN's Black Friday sale and I am glad I waited. For frame of reference, Just Cause 2 was one of my favorite games last gen. The current iteration is just a big ole' disappointment. Assets are copy and pasted to the point where whole bases and entire towns are duplicated. Too many missions are either escort or defend. Enemy a.i. is as dumb as ever and will shoot down their own helicopters to get Rico. Alert status goes from one star to five in seconds, and reinforcements appear instantly. The challenge missions needed to unlock gear are the most derivative and boring I've yet seen. The final boss battle is lame and [spoiler]consists of shooting at a helicopter with rockets at set intervals.[/spoiler]The constant stuttering doesn't help. How did this game go so wrong?
Edited by Lil Cobravert: 12/6/2016 6:44:20 PMI loved Just Cause 3 because it was a fun game. The game had the best chaos engine. Explosions left and right, chain reactions from blowing up a car to igniting a fuel depot. Plus, I could follow the story and remember the characters. Now I get what you're saying, but I looked at the game for what it is... fun.